Optimizing Business-to-Business Sales (June 5, 2023)
Find ways to be more strategic and proactive to increase your B2B reach. Bookseller experts on this topic along with Deb Lewis, B2B Trade Sales Manager for Penguin Random House with more than 20 years B2B experience, will share important considerations for B2B sales from cultivating business connections, working with reps to find and support opportunities, promoting B2B sales to your customers, and implementing best practices.
Deb Lewis, Penguin Random House - NEW WINDSOR, MD
Becky Anderson, Anderson's Bookshop - Naperville, IL
PK Sindwani, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
Cliff Helm, Left Bank Books - St. Louis, MO
Optimizing Business-to-Business Sales
Optimizing Business-to-Business Sales (June 5, 2023)
Find ways to be more strategic and proactive to increase your B2B reach. Bookseller experts on this topic along with Deb Lewis, B2B Trade Sales Manager for Penguin Random House with more than 20 years B2B experience, will share important considerations for B2B sales from cultivating business connections, working with reps to find and support opportunities, promoting B2B sales to your customers, and implementing best practices.
Deb Lewis, Penguin Random House - NEW WINDSOR, MD
Becky Anderson, Anderson's Bookshop - Naperville, IL
PK Sindwani, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
Cliff Helm, Left Bank Books - St. Louis, MO
PDF icon Optimizing BTB PPT1.72 MB
Optimizing Business-to-Business Sales

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