Health Care

25 Nov

Health Care Reform in the News

As the White House continues to address problems on the Affordable Care Act website, local health care navigators have told Reuters that they are seeing gradual improvements on

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24 Oct

White House Addresses Health Care Website’s Shaky Launch

The numerous problems with prompted a press event on Monday by President Obama to address concerns, and Senate Democrats have introduced legislation to delay the individual mandate by a year. In addition, House Republicans have scheduled a hearing to find out why the site was launched before it was ready.

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24 Oct

Health Care Reform for Bookstores With Locations in More than One State

While the rollout of continues, bookstore owners with locations in more than one state can explore a couple of options for employee coverage.

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03 Oct

Presentation on Affordable Care Act Posted on BookWeb

As the Health Insurance Marketplaces opened for business, ABA made available on BookWeb the PowerPoint presentation “The Affordable Care Act: What the Healthcare Law Means for Your Small Business,” an overview that is being presented at ABA’s education session at each of the fall regional trade shows.

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26 Sep

Federal Online Health Insurance Enrollment for Small Businesses Delayed for One Month

At press time, national media outlets were reporting that the Obama administration was delaying by one month online enrollment in the federally operated Small Business Health Options (SHOP) health insurance exchanges. Businesses can still enroll via fax, mail, or phone beginning October 1.

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25 Sep

Health Care Reform: What the Law Means for You Right Now

With states’ Health Insurance Marketplaces set to open for enrollment on Tuesday, October 1, now is the time for bookstore owners — and employees — to learn how health insurance reform affects them.

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19 Sep

ABA Launches Health Care Reform Webpage

ABA has launched a new BookWeb advocacy page focusing on the Affordable Care Act. The page offers state-specific fact sheets that provide key health care reform information and that point booksellers in the right direction if they have further questions or wish to enroll in their state’s exchange.

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19 Sep

It’s September 19: Did You Notify Your Employees About Health Care Options?

As part of new regulations created under the Affordable Care Act, all employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act are required to notify their full- and part-time employees by October 1, 2013, regarding the availability of health care coverage, regardless of whether they offer health coverage or not.

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18 Jul

Small Business Majority Offers Tools for Understanding Health Care Reform

Initiatives announced this month by the Small Business Majority to help small businesses navigate and make the most of the Affordable Care Act include an online Health Coverage Guide and a series of webinars presented in partnership with the Small Business Administration.

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18 Jul

ABA Education at Regionals to Focus on Health Care Reform

At each of this year’s fall regional trade shows, the American Booksellers Association, with support from the Small Business Majority, will be offering a timely and informative educational session on the Affordable Health Care Act.

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03 Jul

White House Delays Healthcare Reform’s Employer Responsibility Requirement

On Tuesday, July 2, the White House announced  a one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act mandate that requires employers with more than 50 employees to provide healthcare coverage or pay a penalty. However, the requirement that all citizens acquire health insurance by January 1, 2014, has not changed.

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11 Apr

Not Too Early to Look Into Health Exchange Options

While health insurance exchanges are not set to open until January 2014, enrollment for the exchanges begins October 1. Now is a good time for booksellers to be considering their new insurance options under the Affordable Care Act.

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27 Mar

Small Business Majority and ABA: Don’t Delay Key Health Exchange Functions

On March 15, ABA joined with the Small Business Majority and other groups in urging the Department of Health and Human Services to reject a rule that would delay critical requirements for small business health insurance exchanges, which are set to open on January 1, 2014, as part of the Affordable Care Act.

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05 Mar

Healthcare Reform Webinar March 26: Register Today

Booksellers looking to find out more about how the Affordable Care Act will affect their businesses are encouraged to sign up for a free healthcare reform webinar hosted by the Small Business Majority and ABA.

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20 Feb

ABA to Co-Host Healthcare Reform Webinar

Registration is now open to ABA member booksellers for a free March 26 webinar “Your Bottom Line: What Healthcare Reform Means for Your Small Business,” presented by ABA and the Small Business Majority.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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