Health Care

11 Jan

GOP Plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act Might Be Stalled

Sen. Rand Paul has urged the Republican majority in Congress to only repeal the Affordable Care Act when a replacement is ready.

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04 Nov

What’s New for the Health Care Marketplace in 2016

Bookstore owners and managers can head to at any time during the year to see what health care plans they can offer to their employees.

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13 Oct

President Signs Healthcare Amendment Into Law

On October 7, President Obama signed into law an amendment to the Affordable Care Act that leaves it up to states to determine whether businesses with 51–100 employees will be included in their small group markets in 2016.

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06 Oct

Health Care “Fix” Meets with Mixed Reactions From Retail Groups

The Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act, a bill that amends the Affordable Care Act, has passed the U.S. House and Senate. If signed by the President, the legislation would give states the right to determine what size business constitutes a “small business.”

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30 Jun

President Hails Supreme Court Decision Upholding Affordable Care Act Subsidies

On June 27, in his weekly address, President Obama said the Supreme Court decision to uphold a crucial provision in the Affordable Care Act, which allows individuals in states with federally run health insurance exchanges to receive a tax credit, means the law is “here to stay.”

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25 Feb

Tax Time: Does Your Business Qualify for a Health Care Tax Credit?

Booksellers who have been providing health insurance to their employees should remember that the Affordable Care Act includes federal tax credits for small businesses.

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12 Nov

Health Insurance Exchanges Reopen Beginning November 15

The Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges for individuals and small businesses are slated to reopen for open enrollment on Saturday, November 15. This enrollment period will mark the first time that Small Business Health Options Programs will be available online for businesses in all states.

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11 Sep SHOP Exchanges to Be Tested in Five States

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will test the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchanges), the health insurance exchange for small businesses, with a soft launch in late October in Delaware, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, and Ohio.

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30 Jul

Two Courts, Two Rulings: But Health Care Subsidies Will Continue for Now

On Tuesday, July 22, two legal challenges to provisions for health care subsidies in the Affordable Care Act resulted in contradictory rulings from federal appeals courts.

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05 Jun

IRS: Employer Cannot Reimburse Employees Pre-Tax to Buy Through Exchanges

The IRS has issued a notice stressing that employers that reimburse their employees pre-tax for premiums under a Health Reimbursement Account to pay for insurance in a health exchange could be subject to a fine of $100 per day per employee.

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21 May

Make Time to Talk About Advocacy

Booksellers are invited to set up an appointment to discuss advocacy issues with David Grogan, ABA senior public policy analyst, in the Indie Bookseller Lounge at BEA.

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11 Feb

Tax Time: Remember to Find Out If Your Business Qualifies for a Health Care Tax Credit

Booksellers who have been providing health insurance to their employees should remember that the Affordable Care Act includes federal tax credits for small businesses.

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18 Dec

Health Care Tax Credit to Increase in 2014

With the new year, the Affordable Care Act’s health care tax credit for small businesses will increase from 35 percent to a maximum of 50 percent. The credit is meant to encourage small businesses and tax-exempt organizations to begin offering health insurance coverage to their employees or to maintain the coverage they already have.

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05 Dec

White House Delays Online SHOP Enrollment Again

Late last week, the White House announced that it was delaying by one year online enrollment in the federally operated Small Business Health Options (SHOP) health insurance exchanges.

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25 Nov

Health Care Reform in the News

As the White House continues to address problems on the Affordable Care Act website, local health care navigators have told Reuters that they are seeing gradual improvements on

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