BTW Articles

14 Nov

The Raven Bookstore Selected as State Women-Owned Business of the Year

Would it be suspect if Lawrence, Kansas -- the hometown of legendary crime writer Sara Paretsky -- did not have a bookstore specializing in mysteries? Fortunately, for the past 15 years, it has.

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14 Nov

Next 76 Deadline, Kids' 76 Boo-Boo's, Another Ad Kudo, and Sleepers From the Bestseller Data

By Carl Lennertz

IMPORTANT! Before the deluge, please get me your January/February 76 nominations by Friday, November 22. Thanks!!!

Winter Kids' 76 boo-books:
I was on deadline for the Winter Kids' 76 and made too many mistakes; sorry!

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14 Nov

ABA Offers New Membership Category

The American Booksellers Association recently introduced its new Auxiliary membership category. This membership class, meant for businesses or individuals who want to support independent bookselling, was created, in large part, at the suggestion of booksellers at ABA's Town Hall Meeting at BookExpo America (BEA) this past May. The Auxiliary category replaces the individual, institutional, and international categories.

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14 Nov

Advocacy Groups Seek Injunction to Compel Justice Dept. to Respond to Questions Regarding USA Patriot Act

On November 13, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) and three other free expression groups filed a preliminary injunction asking that a federal court order the Department of Justice (DOJ) to respond immediately to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by the groups on October 24. The free expression groups are seeking information on how the government is using the widespread surveillance powers it has been granted under the USA Patriot Act (for a related article, click here.)

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14 Nov

New Bookstores: It's a Regional Thing

Spurred by reports from regional trade shows regarding an increase in new independent bookstore openings, Bookselling This Week decided to survey each regional booksellers association to see if it was true. Was there an increase in newly opened bookstores joining regional associations in 2002?

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14 Nov

New ABACUS Gaining Bookseller Fans

Bookseller response to the new online ABACUS reporting system continues to grow -- and has been extremely positive.

Recently, booksellers touted the new ABACUS on's Booksellers General Forum and on the e-mail listserve of the New England Booksellers Association (NEBA).

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14 Nov

Modest Holiday Sales Growth Expected as Consumers Look for Convenience and Value

Books and Gift Certificates Are Noted as Favorite Gift Items

Perhaps the most closely watched yearly retail prognostications are the annual fall estimates for holiday retail sales. This year, analysts are factoring in not only a soft economy but also consumer concern over personal debt levels and anxiety regarding job security.

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18 Nov

Bookstore Sales Pick Up in September

Bookstore sales in September rebounded from the modest decline in August. September sales were 3.2 percent better than September of 2001.

While the improvement in bookstore sales in September was encouraging, the results once again failed to keep pace with overall retail. Overall retail sales of $285 billion for September 2002 were 5.2 percent better than the $271 billion realized in September of 2001.

September is the eighth month in a row in which bookstore sales failed to keep up with overall retail.

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20 Nov

Speaking of Audio: The Author Will Now Read From Her New Book

By Robin Whitten

Author readings are among the most popular bookstore events. It's hard to beat the experience of hearing an author read live, often in the intimate setting of a bookstore. But, reading from the book for 10 - 15 minutes and reading the entire book for an audiobook recording are totally different.

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20 Nov

The Tale of Terrible, Terrible Hooch -- Craze: Gin and Debauchery in the Age of Reason

Despite last tasting gin at the age of five -- when she immediately threw it up after drinking from an unattended gin and tonic at her parents' cocktail party -- Jessica Warner long knew there was a good book to be written about the craze for drinking gin in 18th century England.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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