
07 Dec

A Letter from Author Leif Enger

November 21, 2001

Dear Book Sense Members:

This is a letter of unabashed gratitude.

At the front end of autumn Grove/Atlantic published my first solo novel, Peace Like a River. Publication alone would've been thrilling; already acquainted with the crush of novels that are produced and promoted any given year, I dared only hope the book would do respectably well--that it wouldn't embarrass anyone, especially my publishers, who had put so much stock in it.

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07 Dec

Latest Oprah Pick a Book Sense 76 Selection

Rohinton Mistry's novel, A Fine Balance, was recently announced as the latest pick in the Oprah book club--and it continues a fine tradition of Book Sense 76 selections making the Oprah list. A Fine Balance was a March/April 2000 Book Sense 76 Pick, and is available from Vintage.

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07 Dec

December White Box Coming Full of Great Things

Keep watch for the December white box mailing, which should start arriving at stores by mid-week. Among the goodies:

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07 Dec

New Minnesota Bookstore Combines Books, Music, Maps, and Inuit Art

Jill Johnson, owner of Beagle Books

Beagle Books owner Jill Johnson spent most of her adult career in the medical field, so when she found the 1937 former medical clinic, she felt sure it was the right place to open a bookstore.

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The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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