
14 Dec

The January/February 2002 Book Sense 76 Preview

I know you can barely bear to think about 2002 right now, but I do hope you can take one moment in this hectic holiday season and get a little re-energized by the thought of a lot of gems coming first thing in the New Year! Great midlist for us to sell!

In fact, it's the highest number of books I can recall coming out in the first two weeks of the 76 time span in question, and I apologize in advance. I kept them to a minimum, AND a few publishers moved up shipping schedules for us to get them out earlier.


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14 Dec

BookSense.Com Changes Pricing Structure

At the October meeting of the American Booksellers Association Board of Directors in Santa Cruz, California, the Book Sense budget for fiscal 2002 was approved. This new budget includes a price increase for, reflecting, in part, the product's increased functionality since its introduction.

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14 Dec

Book Sense Kicks Off 2002 With Ads in The Atlantic

The January issue of The Atlantic will feature four Book Sense ads. Titles to be featured are: The Jazz Bird by Craig Holden (Simon & Schuster, 0743212967); Mrs. Kennedy: The Missing History of the Kennedy Years by Barbara Leaming (Free Press, 0684862093); Death at the Priory: Sex, Love, and Murder in Victorian England by James Ruddick (Atlantic Monthly Press, 0871138328); and Looking for Alaska by Peter Jenkins (St. Martin's Press, 0312261780). One of the ads will specifically promote BookSense. com to consumers.

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14 Dec

Wally Amos, Gourmet Cookie Icon, Serves Up Recipes for Gourmet Lives

For Wally Amos, gourmet cookie guru and founder of Famous Amos Cookies, the cookie is a metaphor for life. That's why his new book (written with Eden-Lee Murray), The Cookie Never Crumbles: Inspirational Recipes for Everyday Living (St. Martin's), serves up recipes from his own personal kitchen that can help others lead gourmet lives.

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