
23 Apr

Waiting for Snow in Havana, a Riveting Memoir

In 1962 when Carlos Eire and his older brother, Tony, were airlifted out of Cuba to the U.S. in Operation Pedro Pan, they marveled at the force of the takeoff. Ages 11 and 14, they thought how wonderful it would be to have chewing gum again and to take their first sip of Coke in months. They relished their first panoramic view of the ocean as they flew toward a world they imagined from TV shows. And, like all the children being airlifted unaccompanied out of Cuba at the time, they believed they'd see their parents shortly, in a matter of months.

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23 Apr

April 30 Deadline for Postmarked ABA Board and Book of the Year Ballots

Ballots for the ABA Board of Directors and for the 2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards must be posted by April 30 and received by May 7. Both ballots were mailed to ABA bookstore members at the end of March, and a downloadable ballot for the Book of the Year Awards is available online at

The ballot for the ABA Board of Directors must be returned in the special postage-paid envelope addressed to KPMG. Ballots sent directly to ABA will not be counted.

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23 Apr

Denver Post Again Lauds Tattered Cover's Fight for Customer Privacy

After the title of the book at the center of a landmark First Amendment case came to light last week, a Denver Post editorial once again praised the Tattered Cover Book Store for its decision to fight what could have been "a nasty precedent of allowing the government to stick its nose where it doesn't belong."

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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