
07 Jul

The August 2004 Book Sense Picks

1. DARKLY DREAMING DEXTER: A Novel, by Jeff Lindsay (Doubleday, $22.95, 038551123X) "Dexter is a highly respected lab technician for the Miami Police Department. Though he appears to be an ordinary guy, Dexter has a secret. He is a serial killer, but not just any serial killer -- Dexter only kills bad people. With an amazing twist, this is a highly recommended book for all mystery lovers." --Linda Zehender, Full Circle Bookstore, Oklahoma City, OK

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07 Jul

Cross Country Road Trip Encourages Writers

The Great American Writing Road Trip Adventure (RTA), sponsored by Writer's Digest Books, an imprint of F+W Publications, is making its way around the country in the Road Trip Touring Van, with bookstore events in over 30 cities. The Road Trip van is also making unscheduled stops at libraries and college campuses along the tour route, dropping off materials of interest to writers or prospective writers.

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06 Jul

Creativity + Resourcefulness = Cottage for Sale, Must Be Moved

At first, Kate Whouley didn't want to write her memoir, Cottage for Sale, Must Be Moved: A Woman Moves a House to Make a Home. Rather, she said, she was busy working on a novel, handling bookstore-consulting projects, and mulling over a children's book based on the cottage-moving adventure.

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06 Jul

Life Savers

The power of books to change lives is the subject of this column by Andy Weinberger, co-owner with his wife, Lilla, of Readers' Books in Sonoma, California. This piece originally appeared in "One for the Book," an occasional newsletter from Readers' Books.

By Andy Weinberger

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