
14 Aug

June Bookstore Sales Virtually Same as Year Ago

Bookstore sales for June showed no improvement over last year, and actually slipped a fraction of a percentage point by comparison with June 2001. Preliminary June bookstore sales figures of $1,200 million were down 0.1 percent from the $1,201 million of the previous June.

June is the fifth month in a row in which bookstore sales failed to keep pace with overall retail.

Overall retail sales of $302 billion for June 2002 came in 1.3 percent over the $298 billion realized in June of 2001.

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14 Aug

Getting Creative to Help the Community … and Sell Books

Larry Abramoff credits his "mid-life crisis" as a catalyst for some new directions at his bookstore. After founding Tatnuck Bookseller & Sons in Worcester, Massachusetts, 27 years ago and expanding to five locations (including the main store, which houses a full-service restaurant and publishing company), Abramoff was ready to do some event retooling.

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13 Aug

Booksellers Could See Times' Book Cash This Week

This month, the New York Times began sending Book Cash checks as a gift to consumers who upgraded from a trial to a full subscription to the newspaper. It is expected that the Times' Book Cash check, which is good for $10 towards payment for any book purchase, will be distributed to as many as 20,000 consumers. Booksellers could start seeing customers with the checks as early as this week.

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13 Aug's New Inventory Upload Keeps Customers in Store

Recently, announced a new functionality that will allow bookstores to upload their store's in-stock quantities of items to the database. For participating bookstores,'s new inventory upload feature creates an "On Our Shelves Now" inventory status for any book that the store has in stock. As a result, the customer knows not only that a title is available, but also that it is actually in stock.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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