Meet select Indies Introduce authors and Indies Choice Book Award winners in the ABA Member Lounge. Authors signing during this time include: Adam Rippon, Akilah Hughes, Alyssa Milano, Cadwell Turnbull, Candace Bushnell, David Yoon (Indies Introduce), De’Shawn Charles Winslow (Indies Introduce), Elin Hilderbrand, Eva Chen, Jacqueline Woodson, Jennifer Weiner, Jenny Slate, Jewell Parker Rhodes, Jonathan Van Ness, Julie Murphy, Lisa Taddeo, Madeline Miller, Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite (Indies Introduce), Margaret Renkl (Indies Introduce), Nic Stone, Philippa Gregory, Rajani LaRocca (Indies Introduce), Regina Porter (Indies Introduce), Ryan T. Higgins, Sarah J Maas, and Shannon Pufahl (Indies Introduce).