Advance Access

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Advance Access Details

Advance Access is a bimonthly mailing that aggregates publisher offerings of galleys, ARC’s or finished books available for review by ABA booksellers. Bookseller responses and requests are sent directly to the publisher for fulfillment and follow-up. The standard fee for this service is waived for Associate Member publishers. Publisher-exclusive Advance Access emails are also available for Associate Member publishers. For details about the Advance Access program contact Peter Reynolds at [email protected]

On the first and third Monday of each month, we email over 1,100 independent booksellers with news of galleys, reading copies, finished books, or other materials that you are offering for review. After receiving a free review copy from you, stores will read and decide whether to order the title and nominate it for the Indie Next List. The Advance Access program has proven to be a very effective way to get the word out about your titles. Stores will email you directly, and you can typically expect requests from 25-50 booksellers. The stores do know that it is “first come/first served,” but the more booksellers’ requests you can fulfill, the better.

All book descriptions must be sent to Peter Reynolds via email at [email protected], with title, author, publisher, ISBN, subject category, publication date, the number of free copies you have to offer, a maximum 50-60 word description, and an email address to which the booksellers can write to directly request a copy. Please follow the format below to insure that your submission can be sent in the next AA email. Submissions not following this format will be returned to you for editing.

TITLE XYZ by David Smith, (Publisher, ISBN: 0000000000000, $23.95, hardcover,
September 2010, Mystery/Thriller). A short description of the title here.
No more than 60 words, please. XX number of galleys/finished books/other items available.
mailto:[email protected]

Jacket images are now included with all AA titles. Please include a high resolution PDF file with your submission.

When you hear from the booksellers requesting a copy of your book, we highly recommend that you include a short note with each book sent out, including information on how to order the title for store stock, plus a reminder to consider submitting an Indie Next List nomination to [email protected]. You may also include press material and/or your catalog. We also suggest that you save the email addresses of the booksellers to whom you send books, and after a month’s time, follow-up with a short query for feedback. Questions? Contact Peter Reynolds at [email protected].

SPECIAL FOR ASSOCIATE MEMBER PUBLISHERS! Publisher-exclusive Advance Access emails are available. These offerings must contain a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 titles. There is no fee for this service and the timing of the email will be determined between ABA and the Publisher. Jacket images may be included. Please contact Peter Reynolds at [email protected] for details.

There is no fee for Associate Member publishers and their distribution clients. Members of The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), The Association of Publishers for Special Sales (APSS), or the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP), may participate at the reduced rate of $100 per title. Please contact Peter Reynolds at [email protected] to arrange payment and schedule listings.

Self-published authors are able to participate in Advance Access for the fee of $175 per title, provided that the title will be readily available for booksellers to order from wholesalers. ABA reserves the right to review titles submitted for Advance Access, and will not include titles with limited availability. Self-published authors, please provide the name(s) of the wholesaler(s) the book is distributed by.

Advance Access Rates

There is no fee for Associate Member publishers and their distribution clients. Members of The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), The Association of Publishers for Special Sales (APSS), or the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP), may participate at the reduced rate of $100 per title. Please contact Peter Reynolds at [email protected] to arrange payment and schedule listings.

Self-published authors are able to participate in Advance Access for the fee of $175 per title, provided that the title will be readily available for booksellers to order from wholesalers. ABA reserves the right to review titles submitted for Advance Access, and will not include titles with limited availability. Self-published authors, please provide the name(s) of the wholesaler(s) the book is distributed by.

About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


PRESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]

INDIECOMMERCE: [email protected]

ALL OTHER INQUIRIES: [email protected]



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