Press Release

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American Booksellers Association
Press Release .....

Tarrytown, NY. June 11, 2009. Oren Teicher, the new Chief Executive Officer of the American Booksellers Association, today announced the appointment of Len Vlahos to fill the post of Chief Operating Officer. The position was vacated when the ABA Board promoted Mr. Teicher to the role of CEO.

"It is with great pleasure that I announce the promotion of Len Vlahos to the position of ABA COO," said Mr. Teicher. "In his tenure here at ABA, Len has performed with enormous care and skill on projects as varied as the association's start-up of to invigorating our education programs. Len's in-depth knowledge and deep understanding of the wide variety of issues facing indie booksellers make him the obvious choice to become ABA's new COO. I could not be more delighted that he has accepted this new challenge, and that he and I will be able to continue working closely together."

Mr. Vlahos joined the ABA staff in 1992 and has held several positions during that time, including industry relations manager, communications director, e-commerce director, and education director. Most recently, Mr. Vlahos served as ABA's Chief Program Officer. Prior to joining the association, Mr. Vlahos worked in independent, university, and chain bookstores. In 1997, Mr. Vlahos left ABA for a year to work at Yoyodyne, Seth Godin's Internet marketing firm. During his tenure at ABA, Mr. Vlahos' noted accomplishments have included the development, launch, and growth of ABA's IndieCommerce program (formerly, as well as a complete overhaul of ABA's education program, including the creation and execution of the very successful Winter Institute.

"I'm honored and thrilled about this opportunity," Mr. Vlahos said. "I consider myself very fortunate to be able to work on behalf of independent bookstores. The mission of ABA is critically important to our culture and our local economies. I'm also delighted to be working for and with Oren. I've learned a tremendous amount from him during my time at ABA, and only hope that I bring the same professionalism and acumen to the position of COO that he did."

As Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Vlahos will serve as the deputy executive, and, under the direction of Mr. Teicher, will have overall responsibility for daily operational issues. He will continue to directly oversee the association's education program, e-commerce program, and will serve as ABA's point person on digital initiatives.

About American Booksellers Association

Founded in 1900, the American Booksellers Association is a not-for-profit trade organization devoted to meeting the needs of its core members -- independently owned bookstores with storefront locations -- through education, information dissemination, business products and services, and advocacy. ABA exists to protect and promote the interests of independent retail book businesses, as well as to protect the First Amendment rights of every American. The association actively supports free speech, literacy, and programs that support local and independent retail shops. A board of nine booksellers, representing thousands of members, governs the Association. ABA is headquartered in Tarrytown, New York.


American Booksellers Association

Meg Smith
(914) 373-6641; [email protected]


About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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