134 results. Results may be paginated. Select one or more topics and filter by tag, format, or conference to focus results. Some resources are visible only to logged-in, ABA bookseller members.

Independent Bookstore Day

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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On April 28, indie booksellers will celebrate the fifth annual Independent Bookstore Day (IBD). In this panel, new concepts and a new ordering system will be revealed. Attendees will hear from booksellers who have figured out how to make the most of IBD and increase their sales dramatically. It takes a little effort and imagination, but having a highly successful Independent Bookstore Day doesn’t have to tax your staff or break the bank. Booksellers will learn:

  • How to order and make the most of the IBD exclusive merchandise
  • How to throw a party that will get people into your store
  • How to publicize your store’s party
  • How to take advantage of social media


  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

On April 28, indie booksellers will celebrate the fifth annual Independent Bookstore Day (IBD). In this panel, new concepts and a new ordering system will be revealed. Attendees will hear from booksellers who have figured out how to make the most of IBD and increase their sales dramatically. It takes a little effort and imagination, but having a highly successful Independent Bookstore Day doesn’t have to tax your staff or break the bank. Booksellers will learn:

  • How to order and make the most of the IBD exclusive merchandise
  • How to throw a party that will get people into your store
  • How to publicize your store’s party
  • How to take advantage of social media


PDF icon How to Make Bookstore Day a Smashing Success (PDF)300.39 KB
PDF icon Independent Bookstore Day Presentation (PDF)4.79 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events

ABC Presents: Experiential Reading — Graphic Novels Shape the Way Young People Read

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Graphic novels can be a useful springboard into reading for reluctant readers, but they can also serve as a vehicle to launch readers into the symbiotic relationship between text and visuals. In this session, attendees will learn from booksellers and experts:

  • How the role of graphic novels has evolved in the bookstore and literacy
  • How to have a productive conversation with staff and customers about graphic novels
  • Types of programming that highlight and elevate the genre
  • The importance and impact of the representation of diverse characters in graphic novels
  • What the current educational terrain looks like and how bookstores can work with school libraries to incorporate graphic novels into the curriculum
PDF icon Graphic Novel Additional Recommendations pdf493.48 KB
PDF icon Graphic Novel Additional Resources pdf86.22 KB
PDF icon Graphic Novels Guide for the Classroom pdf1.53 MB
PDF icon Experiential Reading - Graphic Novels Presentation (PDF)1.44 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Edelweiss Presents: The New Shelf Report

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Edelweiss+Analytics is excited to present the new Shelf Report, created to help bookstores succeed against competitive pressures by providing unique decision intelligence. This new tool provides benchmarks for your store’s inventory, using the aggregate performance of hundreds of other independent bookstores on four key measures of sales and inventory health – across genres. Join us to learn more about how this tool can help you view your store from the outside-in and point to where you can focus your attention to make sure your inventory is working its hardest for you.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Technology

ABC Presents: Crash Course in Kids' Bookselling

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Scenario: your store's children's bookseller is out sick and not one general bookseller has even an inkling about kids’ books. Never fear! Geared towards general booksellers with ZERO experience in the kid’s department, children’s frontlist booksellers on this panel will provide a crash course to prepare any bookseller to head into the children's department. In the session, general booksellers will learn:

  • Key phrases to use when selling a kids book
  • Important questions to ask a child and a parent when selecting a book
  • Signs to look for when selecting a book (shelf talkers, inferences from the cover)
  • Basic important information to always have in their back pocket
  • Where to look for recommendations
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Scenario: your store's children's bookseller is out sick and not one general bookseller has even an inkling about kids’ books. Never fear! Geared towards general booksellers with ZERO experience in the kid’s department, children’s frontlist booksellers on this panel will provide a crash course to prepare any bookseller to head into the children's department. In the session, general booksellers will learn:

  • Key phrases to use when selling a kids book
  • Important questions to ask a child and a parent when selecting a book
  • Signs to look for when selecting a book (shelf talkers, inferences from the cover)
  • Basic important information to always have in their back pocket
  • Where to look for recommendations
PDF icon Kids' Books Recommendations pdf445.72 KB
PDF icon Reference Books for Children's Booksellers pdf165.83 KB
PDF icon Children's Literature Awards pdf245.42 KB
PDF icon Crash Course in Kids' Bookselling Presentation (PDF)2.26 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

ABC Group Presents: Selling Direct to Schools

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Bookstores that sell direct to schools are an invaluable resource to the local community and a successful strategy for increasing cash flow and profits. Bookseller panelists who have worked closely with their school districts will share with Institute attendees how they too can foster a relationship with school districts and add to their stores’ bottom line. In this session booksellers will learn:

  • How to find appropriate school contacts
  • How to create teacher wishlists
  • How to become a school’s one-stop book fair distributor
  • How to manage in-school author visit orders
  • Best practices for orders
  • How to establish and manage subscription services
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Bookstores that sell direct to schools are an invaluable resource to the local community and a successful strategy for increasing cash flow and profits. Bookseller panelists who have worked closely with their school districts will share with Institute attendees how they too can foster a relationship with school districts and add to their stores’ bottom line. In this session booksellers will learn:

  • How to find appropriate school contacts
  • How to create teacher wishlists
  • How to become a school’s one-stop book fair distributor
  • How to manage in-school author visit orders
  • Best practices for orders
  • How to establish and manage subscription services
PDF icon Ahead of the Curve Subscription Service (PDF)116.35 KB
PDF icon Cynthia Lord Appearance Pre-Order Form Price List pdf94.12 KB
File Book Fair Template docx14.72 KB
File Candace Fleming author order form (docx)146.08 KB
Microsoft Office document icon Eric Dinerstein author order form (doc)53 KB
PDF icon ABC Group Selling Direct to Schools Presentation (PDF)1.48 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Maximizing and Marketing Pre-Order Sales

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
Watch video from this event.V

Pre-orders are becoming an increasingly important way in which books are sold and marketed in 2018, and indie bookstores can and should take part in this growing business. Heavily influenced by television and social media, the months before a title’s publication are critical, and pre-orders are a growing component of a book’s ultimate sales. By working with publishers to take full advantage of pre-order opportunities, indie bookstores can avoid lost sales, lost PR, and lost market share. In this session, panelists will discuss ways that stores can successfully promote and sell pre-orders to become an integral partner to publishers and authors. Learn about new methods developed and tested by a task force of indie stores--including processes and protocols for stores using various POS systems--that all stores can use to maximize pre-orders through marketing, tracking, and reporting. The session will include bookseller participation from the pre-order task force.



  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Pre-orders are becoming an increasingly important way in which books are sold and marketed in 2018, and indie bookstores can and should take part in this growing business. Heavily influenced by television and social media, the months before a title’s publication are critical, and pre-orders are a growing component of a book’s ultimate sales. By working with publishers to take full advantage of pre-order opportunities, indie bookstores can avoid lost sales, lost PR, and lost market share. In this session, panelists will discuss ways that stores can successfully promote and sell pre-orders to become an integral partner to publishers and authors. Learn about new methods developed and tested by a task force of indie stores--including processes and protocols for stores using various POS systems--that all stores can use to maximize pre-orders through marketing, tracking, and reporting. The session will include bookseller participation from the pre-order task force.



PDF icon Reporting Pre-Orders POS Cheat Sheet pdf162.53 KB
PDF icon Maximizing and Marketing Pre-Order Sales Presentation (PDF)6.49 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101

Stars of Albuquerque Indie Retail

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Being an independent bookstore in today’s retail environment means working tirelessly to stay connected with your community while also promoting yourself online as an alternative to other online retailers. All independent retailers, not just booksellers, are meeting this challenge in various ways. Come to this session to hear from Albuquerque’s independent retailer stars, ask questions, and discover ideas to apply to your bookstore.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Being an independent bookstore in today’s retail environment means working tirelessly to stay connected with your community while also promoting yourself online as an alternative to other online retailers. All independent retailers, not just booksellers, are meeting this challenge in various ways. Come to this session to hear from Albuquerque’s independent retailer stars, ask questions, and discover ideas to apply to your bookstore.

PDF icon Stars of Albuquerque Indie Retail Presentation (PDF)2.52 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101

Yes She Can: Programs and Partnerships to Empower Women

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Join your colleagues for a discussion on creating events and opportunities to highlight women's voices in the store and larger retail community. Hear from booksellers who are fostering women entrepreneurs, cross-promoting with women-owned businesses, creating dynamic in-store programming, and more. ABA members know that a diverse business district promotes a thriving local economy, and they are finding ways to ensure their stores, their communities, and their business districts are as dynamic and profitable as possible.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Join your colleagues for a discussion on creating events and opportunities to highlight women's voices in the store and larger retail community. Hear from booksellers who are fostering women entrepreneurs, cross-promoting with women-owned businesses, creating dynamic in-store programming, and more. ABA members know that a diverse business district promotes a thriving local economy, and they are finding ways to ensure their stores, their communities, and their business districts are as dynamic and profitable as possible.

PDF icon Bookshop Santa Cruz Women's Voices pdf1017.14 KB
PDF icon Yes She Can: Programs and Partnerships to Empower Women Presentation (PDF)3.69 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Events

ABC Group Presents: Hosting A+ Educator Nights

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Community educators are important bookstore allies. They work closely with children, and children need books! Making sure bookstores are carrying what teachers are recommending is essential to strengthening the relationship between the two. In this session, event planners and buyers will share how they have implemented and had success hosting Educator Nights. Booksellers will learn:

  • Why Educator Nights are important
  • How to build a bookstore’s list of educator contacts
  • The type of information educators are seeking out when they come to an in-store Educator Night

Important topics to discuss at these events

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Community educators are important bookstore allies. They work closely with children, and children need books! Making sure bookstores are carrying what teachers are recommending is essential to strengthening the relationship between the two. In this session, event planners and buyers will share how they have implemented and had success hosting Educator Nights. Booksellers will learn:

  • Why Educator Nights are important
  • How to build a bookstore’s list of educator contacts
  • The type of information educators are seeking out when they come to an in-store Educator Night

Important topics to discuss at these events

PDF icon Educator Night Passport pdf54.7 KB
PDF icon Hosting A+ Educator Nights Presentation (PDF)2.65 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Bringing Play and Revenue into the Store: Board Games are Back!

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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If the thought of playing board games brings up childhood memories of Monopoly and Risk and not much else, you have some catching up to do. Board games are a hot trend and a growing business. And they’ve grown a lot more sophisticated than what you might remember. The popular digital games that have made the leap to board games, the games inspired by viral internet challenges, and the traditional games of your childhood all have something in common: face-to-face social interaction, which is a key component of successful independent bookstores. Come hear from booksellers who have integrated board games and play nights into their sales and events. An independent board game seller joins the panel to discuss the aspects of his business and how booksellers can bring games -- and customers -- into the bookstore.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Genre
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

If the thought of playing board games brings up childhood memories of Monopoly and Risk and not much else, you have some catching up to do. Board games are a hot trend and a growing business. And they’ve grown a lot more sophisticated than what you might remember. The popular digital games that have made the leap to board games, the games inspired by viral internet challenges, and the traditional games of your childhood all have something in common: face-to-face social interaction, which is a key component of successful independent bookstores. Come hear from booksellers who have integrated board games and play nights into their sales and events. An independent board game seller joins the panel to discuss the aspects of his business and how booksellers can bring games -- and customers -- into the bookstore.

PDF icon Game Day Flyer pdf241.32 KB
PDF icon Bringing Play and Revenue into the Store: Board Games are Back Presentation (PDF)3.15 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Genre

Selling International and Diverse Books: Panel with Bookselling Without Borders Alumni & Organizers

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Never has there been a greater need for diverse and international voices in the American market. In this session, panelists will discuss practices they have brought back to their stores from their experiences with Bookselling Without Borders, a fellowship program that sends U.S. booksellers to foreign book fairs as part of a book industry professional exchange program. Among other things, the Bookselling Without Borders program seeks to help booksellers develop concrete ideas for increasing sales of diverse and international literature in the indie market.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Handselling
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Never has there been a greater need for diverse and international voices in the American market. In this session, panelists will discuss practices they have brought back to their stores from their experiences with Bookselling Without Borders, a fellowship program that sends U.S. booksellers to foreign book fairs as part of a book industry professional exchange program. Among other things, the Bookselling Without Borders program seeks to help booksellers develop concrete ideas for increasing sales of diverse and international literature in the indie market.

PDF icon Selling International and Diverse Books Presentation (PDF)6.6 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Handselling

Maximizing Pre-Orders Fall Shows 2018

Recorded October 21, 2018 for Regional Conferences

Maximizing Pre-Orders focuses on how indie bookstores can take full advantage of pre-order opportunities and boost their sales, PR, and market share. In this presentation, booksellers will also discover ways to successfully promote and sell pre-orders including new methods developed and tested by ABA’s Pre-Orders Task Force of indie stores.

Maximizing Pre-Orders was presented at the 2018 Fall Regional Shows.

PDF icon Maximizing Pre-Orders 2018 PPT pdf5.06 MB
PDF icon Reporting Pre-Orders POS Cheat Sheet pdf162.53 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Owners and Managers

Courting the Romance Reader

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

The romance genre has one of the highest shares of fiction sales in the U.S. market at 23 percent (NPD Book 2016). Now is the time to take a closer look at marketing and selling this dynamic genre. In this session, bookseller and publisher panelists will discuss best practices for developing a successful relationship with the romance reader as well as tips for marketing this genre in a general bookstore.

PDF icon Reliable Recommendations (PDF)57.29 KB
PDF icon Romance Reader Stats (pdf)392.91 KB
PDF icon Judgement Free Badge (pdf)559.82 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Genre

Capturing the Travel, Religion, and Cookbook Enthusiast

Recorded January 24, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

The recent resurgence of interest in travel books is one more reason to take a closer look at the marketing of certain genres. Bookseller and publisher panelists will cover creative marketing, merchandising, events, and handselling to help put your store on the map for customers seeking books on travel, religion, and cooking.

PDF icon Ingram Travel and Outdoor Sell Sheet10.74 MB
PDF icon Workman Cookbooks Sell Sheet 4.81 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management

Working With Self-Published Authors

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Multiple programs are available to help booksellers work with local self-published authors. Panelists, including representatives from the Independent Book Publisher Association and Ingram Spark as well as booksellers who have created mutually beneficial relationships with self-published authors, will discuss existing programs and tips for successful relationships.

PDF icon Village Books Event Info (pdf)280.73 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event FAQs (pdf)515.21 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event Package Description (pdf)95.58 KB
PDF icon Village Books POD Submission Guidelines (pdf)180.06 KB
PDF icon Village Books POD Pricing Specs (pdf)244.92 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event Questionnaire (pdf)197.01 KB
PDF icon Village Books Consignment Sales Agreement (pdf)99.59 KB
PDF icon Village Books Consignment Agreement Info (pdf)404.63 KB
PDF icon Village Books Author Agreement Form (pdf)251.37 KB
PDF icon Malaprop's Consignment Intake Form (pdf)198.71 KB
PDF icon Village Books Sample Press Release (pdf)372.67 KB
PDF icon IBPA Checklist (pdf)520.33 KB
PDF icon IBPA Industry Standards (pdf)238.24 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
Recorded January 26, 2016 for Winter Institute 2016

Working with self-published authors can be a profitable endeavor.  In this session, a panel of booksellers will discuss how to create partnerships with self-published authors to benefit both the author and the bookstore's bottom line.

  • Liesl Freudenstein, Boulder Book Store (Boulder, CO)
  • Sam Kass, Village Books (Bellingam, WA)
  • Jane Streeter, The Bookcase (Nottinghamshire, England)
  • Meg Smith, ABA (White Plains, NY) (Moderator)
PDF icon Boulder Bookstore Consignment Authors Brochure (PDF)938.88 KB
PDF icon Village Books Self Published Books Submission Guidelines (PDF)97.31 KB
PDF icon Village Books Author Agreement Consignment Program (PDF)78.02 KB
PDF icon Village Books Self Published Authors Event Questionnaire (PDF)195.08 KB
PDF icon Village Books Self Published Books Pricing Specs (PDF)109.38 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event Package Description for Consignment Authors (PDF)94.56 KB
PDF icon Village Books Self Published Authors Consignment Agreement (PDF)84.86 KB
PDF icon Village Books Self Published Authors Consignment Event Agreement (PDF)111.93 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management

Growing Sales With Your Favorite Backlist Titles – What Works, What Doesn’t

Recorded April 7, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

A strong backlist inventory is the cornerstone of book sales. Bookseller panelists who have learned to successfully curate their selections will share their knowledge on the importance of backlist, how to choose and display books, which titles continue to sell well, and which children’s categories to invest in to maintain a robust backlist collection for customers.

  • Karin Schott, Devaney, Doak, & Garrett Booksellers (Farmington, ME)
  • Molly Olivo, Barstons Child's Play (Washington, DC)
  • Erin Barker, Hooray for Books! (Alexandria, VA)
  • Meghan Goel, BookPeople (Austin, TX) (Moderator)


PDF icon Backlist Perennial Favorites (PDF)944.94 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Featured Talk: Allison Risbridger, "Where Are We and Where Are We Going? Trends and Findings in Children's Bookselling"

Recorded April 6, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

Allison Risbridger, client development specialist at NPD Book, will present a review of the most recent data on the U.S. children’s book market with a deep-dive into the latest trends in genres, formats, buyer behavior, and more. Attendees will emerge with plenty of new insights to help them better understand their business in the coming year.

PDF icon Trends and Findings in Children's Bookselling (PDF)2.49 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Understanding Development and Reading Styles to Connect with Middle Grade and YA Readers

Recorded April 6, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

One day she is a child and the next day an adult: hand-selling to middle-grade and young-adult readers can be a challenge. In this session, a panel of experts will share information about learning styles and cognitive behavioral development to assist booksellers in negotiating the tween and teen brain and recommending appropriate books to create readers for life.

  • Paige Battle, Teacher-Librarian (Grant High School)
  • Carol Moyer, Quail Ridge Books (Raleigh, NC)
  • Katie O'Dell, Special Projects Director (Multnomah County Library)
PDF icon Understanding Development and Reading Styles to Connect with Middle Grade and YA Readers (PDF)2.23 MB
PDF icon Bookseller Suggestions Development and Reading Styles Title List (PDF)1003.21 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Converting Social Media to Sales

Recorded January 29, 2017 for Winter Institute 2017

Social media is here to stay, but no one platform is invincible. Algorithms can change overnight. For example, if Facebook disappeared tomorrow, your following would evaporate with it. Luckily, you are already investing in one online presence you do control: your website. This panel will review how to use social media to drive traffic to your website and e-newsletters --regardless of which social media platforms you prefer or how they can change -- and how to leverage your social followings to meet your store's marketing goals.

  • Dan Graham, Book Soup (West Hollywood, CA)
  • Kelly Justice, Fountain Bookstore (Richmond, VA)
  • Catherine Cusick, ABA (Moderator)
PDF icon Fountain Bookstore Strategy Guide pdf212.96 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management

Climate Change and Retail Trends

Recorded January 29, 2017 for Winter Institute 2017

As we continue to see the effects of climate change throughout the world, booksellers are asking what they can do -- both to keep their customers and communities informed on this critical issue and to become involved in climate change grassroots activism. Booksellers on this panel will share examples of store activities - from title lists and in-store activities to advice on how to work with climate change activists, both in your community and nationwide.

  • Chris Morrow, Northshire Bookstore (Manchester Center, VT)
  • Kevin Whelan, MN350 (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Patrick Hanlon, Environmental Initiatives Manager, City of Minneapolis Health Department (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Annie Philbrick, Bank Square Books (Mystic, CT) (Moderator)
File Climate Change Reading List xlsx19.29 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management

ABC Presents: Using Nielsen Data to Expand Nonfiction Sales

Recorded January 28, 2017 for Winter Institute 2017

Building upon findings in a recent Nielsen Book study that showed a significant rise in sales of active nonfiction for children and the potential for even greater growth, booksellers who have successfully increased their nonfiction business will discuss the keys to broadening their inventory and maintaining a diverse selection to complement the subjects driving this category.

  • Kenny Brechner, Devaney, Doak & Garrett Booksellers (Farmington, ME)
  • Carol Moyer, Quail Ridge Books (Raleigh, NC)
  • Tegan Tigani, Queen Anne Book Company (Seattle, WA)
  • Sara Grochowski, Briliant Books (Traverse City, MI) (Moderator)
PDF icon ABC Presents Using Nielsen Data to Expand Nonfiction Sales pdf5.26 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Integrating Used Books Into Your Inventory

Recorded January 28, 2017 for Winter Institute 2017

Bringing used books into your store can improve your margins and help your bottom line, but it also brings a new set of considerations to your already established business procedures. This 101 introductory session will help you navigate issues such as buying, sourcing, and tracking your used inventory.

  • Jessi Blackstock, Magers & Quinn Booksellers (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Harriett Logan, Loganberry Books (Shaker Heights, OH)
  • Lacy Simons, hello hello books (Rockland, ME)
  • Shane Gottwals, Gottwals Books (Warner Robins, GA) (Moderator)
PDF icon Gottwals Books Best Practices pdf125.13 KB
PDF icon hello hello books Best Practices pdf222.55 KB
PDF icon Loganberry Books Best Practices pdf219.82 KB
PDF icon Magers & Quinn Booksellers Best Practices pdf217.52 KB
PDF icon hello hello books Used Books Brochure pdf1.9 MB
PDF icon Loganberry Books Glossary pdf34.54 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Used Books

Reaching Reluctant Readers

Recorded April 20, 2015 for Children's Institute 2015

For booksellers, there are few greater triumphs than placing the right book in the hands of any reader, but that is especially true for kids who rarely if ever read for their own pleasure.  How can we reach these non-readers and what can be done to turn them into readers?  Booksellers and educators who have been successful in the ongoing struggle to reach reluctant readers will be joined by bestselling author and literacy advocate Jon Scieszka to share their passion to make a difference and discuss what they have learned works best for inspiring children to want to read.

  • Erin Barker, Hooray for Books! (Alexandria, VA)
  • Margaret Brennan Neville, The King's English Bookshop (Salt Lake City, UT)
  • Kim Laird, Reading Specialist at Upland Unified School District (San Bernardino County, CA)
  • Jon Scieszka, author of Frank Einstein and the Electro-Finger (Amulet Books) and founder of Guys Read
  • Laura Donohoe, Malaprop's Bookstore/Café (Asheville, NC) (moderator)
PDF icon Suggested Titles to Help Reach Reluctant Readers (PDF)321.43 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Selling Picture Books in the Wake of Age Compression

Recorded April 7, 2014 for Institute Archive

This session was presented at Children's Institute 2014.

It is clear that age compression -- or the marketing of titles for older children to younger children -- is having an effect on the sales and popularity of picture books among elementary school children.  But the benefits of reading picture books to older children are many.  How can you educate customers about the importance of picture books for children ages 5 and up?

PDF icon Timeless Picture Books for Every Age (PDF)1.93 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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