
17 Jan

From Tiny Classified Ad to Community and Cultural Center in Fort Worth

In 1992, Sonia Williams-Babers entered the world of bookselling with "the smallest ad available" in the June issue of Black Enterprise magazine. The ad read "Get Hooked on Black Books -- send $1 for a catalogue." On returning home to Fort Worth, Texas, from Anaheim, California, and their first ABA Convention, Williams-Babers and her husband and business partner, Elvis Babers, found an overflowing post office box.

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17 Jan

Getting Some Deserving Books Back Into Print

In a nutshell, I'd like to gather a list from booksellers of favorite books that have been out of print for a while and deserve a new life, AS WELL AS a list of recently published hardcovers that aren't going into paperback.

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17 Jan

Attention Booksellers and Publishers: A Directory of All 76 Picks to Date

Many booksellers have written to say they like to review past 76 fliers for books they may have missed and for ideas for reading groups. Also, they report that past fliers are a good resource for beefing up backlist, and even for going around and stickering past picks.

The word from publishers is similar in a way. Reminders to marketing staff and reps about past 76 picks provide a way to increase backlist sales. Publishers may also want to go back and prepare reading group guides, if you haven't already.

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17 Jan

A Shelf Life That's Always Growing: At Doug Dutton's house, books rule -- from rare texts to paperbacks

By Susan Salter Reynolds
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Poetry is in the front hall. Music in the living room. Books on books in the dining room. Science under the piano in the family room. Classics are in the little wooden bookshelf with glass-paneled doors, but only run through Aristotle before they spill over into the den. There are 4,000 books inside the house, 10,000 more in storage. Once, the pantry held cans and plates and no books. Now, the shelves are filled with pages.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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