
22 Aug

A Decade of Great Books and Customers Comes to a Close

By Jennifer Anglin of The Enchanted Forest

The noted children's bookstore The Enchanted Forest in Dallas is closing. Here, owner Jennifer Anglin shares a letter about how she reached her decision, and what bookselling has meant to her.

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21 Aug

Rep. Sensenbrenner Wants Answers from Ashcroft on Patriot Act

After refusing a Congressional demand to reveal, among other things, how many subpoenas the Justice Department has issued under the USA Patriot Act to bookstores, libraries, and newspapers, Attorney General John Ashcroft might find himself served with a subpoena. That, at least, was a threat levied by Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.

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21 Aug

2002 UMBA Fall Trade Show Preview

The 2002 Upper Midwest Booksellers Association (UMBA) Trade Show will be held at the RiverCentre complex in St. Paul, Minnesota, from September 27-29. Susan Walker, executive director for UMBA, told BTW that this year's show is particularly important to UMBA booksellers, as many did not have the opportunity to attend BookExpo America this past May. As a result, she said, UMBA is gearing up for a strong turnout.

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21 Aug

Advocacy Groups Hit Justice Department with Freedom of Information Request

On August 21, two days after House Judiciary Committee Chair F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin) threatened to subpoena Attorney General John Ashcroft over the Justice Department's refusal to divulge information on the USA Patriot Act, civil liberties groups filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the department.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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