
06 Mar

Supreme Court Hears Arguments in CIPA Case

The American Library Association's (ALA) and American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU) legal challenge of a federal library filtering law continues.

On March 5, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments regarding the government's appeal of a lower court's ruling last May that the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is unconstitutional. CIPA would require public libraries seeking government subsidies to install filtering software to block materials considered obscene, child pornography, or "harmful to minors."

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06 Mar

Rights and the New Reality: Book Snoopers' Open Door

In the week that Congressmen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced federal legislation to remove some of the threats to civil liberties in the USA Patriot Act, the Los Angeles Times editorial page comes out in support of the proposed legislation, calling for a proper balance between freedom and security.

Los Angeles Times Editorial -- March 2, 2003

Read a good book lately? Federal agents might want to know.

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06 Mar

2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Award Finalists -- Adult Fiction

This year's finalists for the Book Sense Book of the Year Award in the adult fiction category include two debut novels and stories that take place in settings as diverse as the turbulent Pacific Ocean and a placid, custom-made heaven. Plots weave through backdrops of the Civil Rights Act, acts of world war, and acts of depravity. In addition to their excellence, these five novels share youthful protagonists, all under the age of 20. The enormous range of their experiences make each book uniquely compelling.

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06 Mar

Congressman Sanders Introduces Patriot Act Amendment

At a press conference held today in Washington, D.C., Congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced federal legislation that would remove a threat to the privacy of bookstore and library records, created by the USA Patriot Act. At present, the proposed amendment, called the Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2003, has 24 co-sponsors, including Ron Paul (R-TX).

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