
07 Aug

James Welch, Montana Author, Dies

James Welch, acclaimed Native American author of many novels, including Fools Crow (Penguin, USA) and The Indian Lawyer (Penguin, USA), died of a heart attack in his home in Montana on Wednesday, August 6. He was 62 and had been struggling with cancer.

"He was a very caring and giving person," said Barbara Theroux of Fact and Fiction Books in Missoula, Montana. "He was somebody you felt was a true friend, in addition to being an internationally acclaimed and best selling author."

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06 Aug

Co-sponsors for Freedom to Read Protection Act Now 129

The Freedom to Read Protection Act (H.R. 1157) continues to garner support within the House. All told, the bill, which is sponsored by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), now has 129 co-sponsors.

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06 Aug

Murkowski Introduces Protecting the Rights of Individuals Act

The support for amending the USA Patriot Act continues to grow. On July 31, the same day that Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D-WI) introduced The Library, Bookseller, and Personal Records Privacy Act (S. 1507), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the Protecting the Rights of Individuals Act (S.1552). Both bills would limit searches under the USA Patriot Act to the records of people who are foreign agents engaged in acts of espionage or terrorism.

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