Small Business Saturday Is Coming

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November 26 is the second annual celebration of Small Business Saturday, a nationwide event promoting holiday shopping at small local retailers and patronage of locally owned restaurants and service providers. ABA member bookstores can learn more about the campaign on the Small Business Saturday (SBS) page on Facebook, where, under the Small Biz tab, they’ll find an array of promotional materials for both in-store and e-marketing. To further help booksellers promote the event, ABA has revised a few templates from the Small Business Saturday Toolkit to make them more applicable to bookstores. Those materials, which include press releases, blog posts, and e-mail or web announcements, can be found here.

To encourage participation in Small Business Saturday, American Express, the event’s founding sponsor, is offering several incentives: $100 in free Facebook advertising to the first 10,000 business owners who sign up at the SBS Facebook page and a $25 statement credit to the first 200,000 cardmembers who register their card and use it to shop on SBS at any locally owned, independent small business that accepts American Express.

All SBS participants are urged to use social media, including Facebook and Twitter, to spread the word about Small Business Saturday.

ABA members who would like more information or examples of Small Business Saturday content should contact ABA Membership and Marketing Officer Meg Smith.