BTW Classifieds

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  • Classifieds appear on here on BookWeb and are linked to from ABA's newsletter, Bookselling This Week, which is delivered to 15,000 readers (including booksellers, publishers, agents, writers, distributors, wholesalers, and the media) weekly on Wednesdays. 
  • All regular ABA member bookstores in good standing may have up to four free, two-week Classified Ad insertions per calendar year. Additional ads may be purchased at a 25 percent discount off the regular rate.
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Job Openings

ABA is no longer accepting resumes for our CFO position. The first week of March we will notify candidates who we are advancing to the next round. Thank you to all who applied.


Bookstores For Sale

Main Street Books in downtown Minot, ND, is a 3,000 sq. foot general interest bookstore. Main Street Books has been in business for 19 years and is still owned by the original owner who is looking to retire. May or may not include the building it is occupied in, which includes four apartments that are completely furnished with little to no turnover. 

All fixtures and inventory are included as well as a small kombucha business/brewery/licensed kitchen. 

Current stock includes over $150,000 in merchandise and over 10000 titles. Serious enquiries only to [email protected]



Book No Further, as an established, well-respected independent bookstore in Roanoke, VA, has long championed the “read local" cause and hopes to find a new owner who will continue this important effort. 
As one of the authors we featured in the store said, "this could be your opportunity to ensure your books and other regional offerings remain readily available to the reading public." If owning a bookstore has long been your dream, this just may be the right opportunity. Feel free to share this message with anyone you know with interest. 
In its eighth year, Book No Further is fully operational (brick and mortar and website), selling new and used books with a focus on local, regional and Appalachian authors and books. The store hosts 25-50 on- and off-site events a year (including book clubs, author signings and readings) and offers literary-themed sidelines. The operation includes a business-to-business sales operation and conducts new-book sales online through a dedicated website.
The sale would include all inventory, furnishings, fixtures, as well as intangibles, (including customer lists, management tools and brand name, etc.)
If you are interested in learning more, please email Doloris Vest



 Ann and Dale (Woody) Woodbeck have owned Excelsior Bay Books since 2020, believing that Excelsior needs its bookstore. For 28 years, Excelsior Bay Books has met the challenges of big box stores, the internet, The Evil Empire, and e-readers. Through it all, the store has adapted and flourished through its unique blend of modern technology and personal attention, all centered on a love for reading.

Years of reading, selecting titles from publishers’ book lists, conversing with customers and helping them find their next favorite book, and celebrating the power of the written word have given Ann and Woody a richly satisfying life. Now, it’s time for the bookstore to begin a new chapter with fresh leadership -- some­one who is ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the evolving book industry while preserving the heart and soul of this community treasure. The business is quite healthy; in fact, it has never been better. Sales and net income are healthy, we have no debt, and the community is very supportive. Ours is an entertaining, enlightening and sociable retail atmosphere!

Ann and Woody hired a specialist and industry expert to provide a professional business valuation. Based on that valuation, a new owner will need more than $200,000 to purchase the business and its inventory. This sustainable, debt-free, and well respected book store is a turn-key operation that fully employs all of the disciplines needed to run a profitable growing and satisfying enterprise.

Ann and Woody seek a new owner with an appreciation for books and community and the entrepreneurial spirit needed to run a small business. Excelsior Bay Books is a beloved, independent bookstore with a long and rich history.

Interested parties will be asked to complete a questionnaire to help determine whether the owners and potential buyer are a good fit for the sale. You would then be asked to sign and return a Confidentiality Agreement. Once that document is in place, you will be provided with a comprehensive Business Review, along with any supporting documentation requested.

For more information, please contact Ann and Woody at [email protected] or call 612-702-9700.


About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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