Announcing the Winners of the Bacardi Mixers Book Club Sweepstakes

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"I'm thrilled. Short of a million bucks, I can't think of a nicer prize," said Sharon O'Driscoll, the consumer grand-prize winner of last year's Bacardi Mixers/Book Sense Book Club Sweepstakes. O'Driscoll entered the sweepstakes at The Clemson Newsstand in Clemson, South Carolina. As the grand-prize winner, O'Driscoll will receive 10 copies of 12 different Book Sense Picks for her reading group as well as a supply of Bacardi Mixers.

"I'm very excited and the book club is thrilled to death," added O'Driscoll. "A very deserving group of people will be getting the books. We started out as a couples book club. It's been so much fun. Not a divorce yet.

"We don't know which books we'll choose yet. In September, we'll choose the books for the year. We try to give everybody a say."

O'Driscoll added that she was very supportive of independent bookstores and that The Clemson Newsstand always displays interesting books and makes great recommendations.

Bookseller Fara Driver of The Clemson Newsstand has won a prize of two Delta Airline tickets to anywhere in the continental U.S. Driver told BTW, "I think we're going to Maine. Some friends have a cottage that we'll borrow for a week." Driver added, "It was a fun contest. It motivated us to do a book club. It's going well. We're really pleased with it."

Ten consumers won a second-place prize of a $25 Book Sense gift certificate, and 10 won a third-place prize of a $10 Book Sense gift certificate.

To read more about the Bacardi Mixers/Book Sense Book Club Sweepstakes, click here.