ABA’s Antiracism, Equity, Inclusion, Access & Representation Work
Diversity Statement
ABA is committed to antiracism, representation, inclusion, equity, and access in all that we do. We believe that diversity and diverse perspectives make our organization stronger and we are committed to equity, dignity, and diversity for all Peoples. ABA will:
- Implement best practices to ensure more diverse hiring and more opportunities for promotion into senior and decision-making positions at all levels of the organization for employees.
- Ensure that ABA policies and procedures are antiracist, create opportunities for everyone, and demonstrate support for historically marginalized Peoples.
- Support diverse colleagues, employees, bookstore owners, booksellers, authors, and publishers.
- Work closely with ABA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council of member booksellers to be aware of concerns of a diverse group of booksellers and bookstore owners, and to use the council’s insights and feedback to improve and inform ABA’s programs and services to better serve marginalized communities, demonstrate best practices for all members, and make our organization stronger.
- Require representation of Black, BIPOC, queer, disabled, and other marginalized authors and books at all ABA events (at least 40% of speakers/panelists overall).
- Meet as staff throughout the year to discuss topics and educate ourselves on issues related to antiracism, antidiscrimination, microaggressions, and supporting underrepresented Peoples.
- Commit to the core values of mutual respect, listening, empathy, and empowered participation.
- Actively work with publishers and authors toward a more representative book industry in which all voices are heard.
Code of Conduct
ABA’s Code of Conduct is updated and reviewed annually (updated November 2023).
ABA is committed to antiracism, equity, access, and representation. ABA is also committed to being more inclusive, and we value the dignity and diversity of everyone in our community. To that end, ABA strives for safer events and a safer community and workplace as well as an enjoyable experience for everyone involved with ABA’s work, both in-person and virtually. We use the terms “safer” and “more inclusive” to indicate that these conditions are not perfectible but a continuous effort.
ABA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council
The American Booksellers Association is grateful to the booksellers who serve on the ABA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council (DEIC) in support of ABA’s commitment to anti-white supremacy, antiracism, representation, equity, and dignity for all Peoples. The DEIC serves as a critical sounding board and advisory council for ABA’s work, providing feedback, reviewing ABA programs and initiatives, identifying and responding to threats and opportunities, and bringing concerns of booksellers and bookstore owners to ABA.
View Council Member details [2]
ABA's DEIA Initiatives
- DEIA Work in 2022 [3]
- DEIA Work in 2023 [4]
- DEIA Work YTD in 2024 [5]
ABA Webinars and Education
ABA continues to create content and programming for members and staff. Some of our member favorites activities include:
Developing De-escalation Skills [6] (February 14, 2024)
Content related to the education session Developing De-escalation Skills, Winter Institute 2024.
Breakfast Keynote with Michele Norris: Race. Your Thoughts. Six Words. Please Send. [7] (February 13, 2024)
Content related to the education session Breakfast Keynote with Michele Norris: Race. Your Thoughts. Six Words. Please Send., Winter Institute 2024.
Beyond Allyship: Supporting LGBTQIA2S+ Staff Members [8] (February 13, 2024)
Content related to the education session Beyond Allyship: Supporting LGBTQIA2S+ Staff Members, Winter Institute 2024.
Featured Talk: Beyond the Binary [9] (February 13, 2024)
Content related to the education session Featured Talk: Beyond the Binary, Winter Institute 2024.
Banned Book Preparedness [10] (February 13, 2024)
Content related to the education session Banned Book Preparedness, Winter Institute 2024.
Featured Talk with Dr. Adia Harvey Wingfield: Gray Areas [11] (June 6, 2023)
Content related to the education session Featured Talk with Dr. Adia Harvey Wingfield: Gray Areas, Children's Institute 2023.
Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace [12] (June 6, 2023)
Content related to the education session Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Children's Institute 2023.
Designing and Implementing a DEI Program for Your Store [13] (February 22, 2023)
Content related to the education session Designing and Implementing a DEI Program for Your Store, Winter Institute 2023.
Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change [14] (February 22, 2023)
Content related to the education session Breakfast Keynote: Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change, Winter Institute 2023.
You can find more education sessions like this in our video library [15].
Land Acknowledgement
When we gather together for our events, ABA acknowledges that those of us here in the United States reside on traditional lands of Indigenous People past and present. In gratitude, ABA acknowledges this at the beginning of our conferences. We also make a donation to a local Indigenous organization to honor the local community and participate in an action to honor the community.
For virtual events ABA makes a donation to the American Indian College Fund.
ABA Meetups and Affinity Groups
The ABA Affinity Groups for our Black, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, Disability, and Neurodiverse communities allow members an opportunity to gather for connection, support, community, resources, and networking. Groups are sometimes facilitated. Preference is given to facilitation by volunteer booksellers, but ABA staff members who identify as part of said community occasionally facilitate depending on volunteer availability. While allies are greatly appreciated, these closed sessions are available only for individuals who identify as members of these communities. If you are in the process of exploring your identity and relationship with a community, please do not self-reject. However, those who do not identify as a member of the Black, BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, Disability, and/or Neurodiverse community should not plan to attend that group’s coinciding meetup.
Black Community
This new affinity group is currently being developed as a place for Black booksellers, Black bookstore owners, and those those who have not previously had a chance to engage with that part of their identity to gather for connection, support, community, resources, and networking.
BIPOC Community
Monthly, Second Wednesday, 2 pm ET on even months, 8 pm ET on odd months [16]
BIPOC-identifying booksellers and bookstore owners and those exploring their relationship to BIPOC identity are welcome to gather for connection, support, community, resources, and networking.