Friday, January 25, 2019 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST
27 Lower West ACC
Picuris/Sandia/Santa Ana
Divisive political commentary and ongoing reports of cultural and social misconduct continue to be highlighted in both national and local media. Because bookstores are both unique meeting places and businesses, many booksellers are struggling with how to navigate the resulting personal and professional pressures. What are the questions that owner/managers and staff should be asking that can lead to fruitful discussions and solutions? If you have found yourself thinking about this and discussing it with colleagues, please join the conversation. Facilitated by a professional moderator, this is an opportunity for booksellers to participate in this important discussion.
Robert DelCampo, University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM); Bradley Graham, Politics and Prose Bookstore (Washington, DC); Amanda Ibarra, Flyleaf Books (Chapel Hill, NC); Lane Jacobson, Paulina Springs Books (Paulina Springs, OR); Angela Maria Spring, Duende District Books (Albuquerque, NM)