ABA Accepts ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Passes It On

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The American Booksellers Association accepted and completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on Thursday, September 4, in response to a challenge issued via Twitter on Wednesday by The Elliott Bay Book Company.

In addition to its staff getting doused with tubs of frigid water, ABA has made a donation to help the ALS Association’s (ALSA) fight against the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

As part of its acceptance of the challenge, ABA has now turned the spotlight on the Association of American Publishers, the Book Industry Study Group, and the National Association of College Stores. All are asked to complete the Ice Bucket Challenge and donate to the ALSA.

Getting thoroughly drenched in the video below are ABA’s Nathan Halter, Neil Strandberg, Joy Dallanegra-Sanger, Dan Cullen, Catherine Cusick, Oren Teicher, Matthew Zoni, and Pete Reynolds. The bucket wielders are Josh Harding, Greg Galloway, and Maria Rodriguez.