Thomas L. Friedman to Present BEA Keynote

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Three-time Pulitzer Prize winner and National Book Award recipient Thomas L. Friedman will be BookExpo America's 2008 keynote speaker. In an announcement on Wednesday, January 23, BEA trade show officials noted that Friedman's new book, Green Is the New Red, White, and Blue (FSG, August), proposes an ambitious national strategy, called "Geo-Greenism," that will not only keep the planet from overheating, but will "make America healthier, richer, more innovative, more productive, and more secure."

"Under any circumstance, it would be an honor to have Thomas Friedman speak at BEA," said Lance Fensterman, vice president and event director for BEA. "But we are especially pleased and proud to have been able to secure him for this book, and for this keynote event.  Thomas Friedman's message not only dovetails nicely with our own programming, but it promises to be a definitive 'call to arms' for how we manage our environment in the future. His appearance certainly provides depth and substance for discussion at BEA."

In Green Is the New Red, White, and Blue, the bestselling author of The World is Flat sets out the clean-technology breakthroughs the world needs, shows that the ET (Energy Technology) revolution will be both transformative and disruptive, and explains why America must lead this revolution, said BEA officials.

Mark Dressler, BEA's director of education, noted, "BEA 'green' programming will feature changing industry practice along with authors whose books target corporate, public and private lifestyle choices and issues. It is a pleasure and an honor to have Thomas Friedman lead our discussion in this area."

Friedman will appear at the convention on Friday, May 30, at 11:00 a.m. at a non-ticketed event open to all BEA badge-holders. With the exception of the exhibit hall, BEA will close all other convention-related programming during his appearance. Seating will be limited. BookExpo America will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center from Thursday, May 29, through Sunday, June 1. The American Booksellers Association's Day of Education will be held on Thursday, May 29, at Hotel ABA, The Renaissance Hollywood.