BEA Registration Booklet on the Way

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Booksellers should be on the lookout for the BookExpo America event program and registration booklet, which should arrive by mail soon. The booklet contains information about all facets of the show, including educational programs, special events, author appearances, autographing, a registration form, and more. This year's BEA runs from Thursday, May 18, to Sunday, May 21, at the Washington Convention Center in D.C.

When registering via the booklet or online, ABA-member bookstores should be sure to check "ABA Bookstore Member" under Registration Options to ensure they get the discounted membership rate. A member number is required.

In addition, member booksellers who plan to take part in ABA's free full day of education on Thursday must check off "ABA Full Day," under "Paid Education Sessions & Special Events," and they will receive a Thursday lunch ticket. Please note: Registration for ABA's Thursday Day of Education is only through BEA.

ABA's programming begins early this year with the association's first-ever Legislative Day. The event, to be held on Wednesday, May 17, at the Doubletree Crystal City and on Capitol Hill, was created as a way to brief booksellers about current public policy issues affecting the book industry and to provide them with the opportunity to meet with their senators and representatives.

Booksellers who would like to participate in Legislative Day must RSVP to ABA by May 1, in order for the association to set up appointments with congressional members and appropriate legislative staff, as well as to properly prepare for lunch. To RSVP, contact Margaret Petrie at (800) 637-0037, ext. 6614 or via e-mail at [email protected]. (Please put "Legislative Day" in the subject line of the e-mail.)
