Small Number of Rooms Now Available at Hotel ABA

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Due to a few recent cancellations, a limited number of rooms are now available at Hotel ABA 2008, The Renaissance Hollywood. Any ABA member bookseller who would like to reserve a room at the special ABA rate of $164 per night should contact Program Assistant Margaret Nafz at [email protected] as soon as possible. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, so ABA is urging interested booksellers to act quickly.

To be able to accommodate as many members as possible, ABA is asking anyone with a reservation that is no longer needed to contact Nafz now, so the room remains in the Hotel ABA block and can be assigned to another member.

The Renaissance Hollywood will be the site of the Day of Education on Thursday, May 29. Registration for the Day of Education, which is open exclusively to ABA bookstore and provisional members, is via the BookExpo America site,, or the BEA registration booklet, which was mailed in April.

Learn more about ABA education programs and special events at BEA.
