Hotel ABA Waiting List Now Forming

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The 2008 Hotel ABA, The Renaissance Hollywood, is currently booked to capacity on several nights for which the American Booksellers Association negotiated a special rate of $164 per night for its bookseller members; however, ABA is encouraging booksellers to reserve rooms for the nights that are available and to contact Margaret Nafz at [email protected] to be put on a waiting list for the additional nights. Reservations must be made via the hotel's dedicated ABA reservation webpage.

The association is asking booksellers who find they no longer need their Hotel ABA reservations to contact Nafz as soon as possible rather than canceling with the hotel. Although hotel reservations were made directly with the Renaissance Hollywood, ABA is requesting booksellers notify the association of their desire to cancel so their rooms will remain in the ABA block and can be assigned to another bookseller.

As ABA receives cancellations, rooms will be filled from the waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, ABA is negotiating with another hotel in close proximity to Hotel ABA to accommodate booksellers who are closed out of the Renaissance Hollywood. Watch for an announcement about the back-up hotel in BTW in the coming weeks.

Hotel ABA began accepting reservations from ABA members on November 15 for the special rate of $164 per night, available from Thursday, May 29, through checkout on Monday, June 2.

Hotel ABA will be the site of the association's Day of Education as well as several ABA- and publisher-sponsored special events, beginning Wednesday. The BEA trade show will be held from Thursday, May 29, through Sunday, June 1, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.