BEA Forms Conference Advisory Board

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On Wednesday, October 8, BookExpo America (BEA) announced the formation of a Conference Advisory Board, composed of 12 to 15 executives from all parts of the book industry, which will meet at the end of the month in New York to discuss the trade show's past education programs as well as new programs and formats for 2009. BEA will take place at New York's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center from Thursday, May 28, through Sunday, May 31.

Show organizers said that this is the first of several advisory boards that will be formed as part of its overall mission "to create connectivity and more interaction between publishers, booksellers, and authors." The American Booksellers Association will be represented on the board by Chief Program Officer Len Vlahos.

Lance Fensterman, vice president and show manager for BEA, noted that industry members are already included in some of the planning, including a committee of booksellers that helps choose authors appearing at the show's special events. "But," he said, "we want to extend this participation to include as many people as possible, from all facets of the industry, so that we are sure to address all industry challenges and opportunities in our effort to make BEA relevant, timely, and valuable for all our constituents."

BEA also said that it will be forming a Strategic Planning Advisory Board that "will seek input on all aspects of the BEA convention experience," as well as several committees that will have direct involvement in new initiatives for 2009."

Suggestions and ideas for BEA's individual conference sessions may be submitted through the BEA website by January 1, 2009.
