ABFFE Seeks Bookseller Input on Banned Books Week

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The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) is asking booksellers to help formulate plans for next year's Banned Books Week celebrations by sharing their experiences this year. ABFFE is seeking photos, display and event ideas, and information about how bookstore customers responded. The information provided will be incorporated in ABFFE's Banned Books Week Online Handbook, www.abffe.com/bbw-handbook.htm, which was produced for the first time this year.

The first 10 booksellers to contribute material will receive ABFFE's popular FREADOM T-shirt (in black, blue, pink, or green). Information should be sent to Caitlin Delohery, ABFFE program director, at [email protected].

ABFFE is also seeking feedback on its online handbook through a survey on the ABFFE website at abffe.com/bbw-survey.htm.

Banned Books Week, the only national celebration of the freedom to read, was held this year from September 24 - October 1. (To read about this year's bookstore celebrations, go to news.bookweb.org/read/3888.)
