ABA’s New Address and New “New” Telephone Number

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Due to a last-minute change by our telephone service provider, the office number and staff extensions distributed last week in connection with the American Booksellers Association’s move from Tarrytown to White Plains, New York, are incorrect.

The correct office number is (914) 406-7500. Revised staff extensions are available on the  BookWeb.org “Contact” Page.

Please change all records and mailing lists to reflect our new address and phone and fax numbers:

American Booksellers Association
333 Westchester Avenue, Suite S202
White Plains, New York 10604

Office Phone: (914) 406-7500

Accounting/Membership Fax: (914) 417-4013

General Fax: (914) 410-6297

ABA’s toll-free telephone numbers and staff e-mail addresses are unchanged.