Yesterday, January 24, attendees received an email from [email protected] with the subject line, “Wi2023 Community Forum, HealthShield Vaccination Verification, and Reminders.” Refer back to this email for information on the following: - How to submit your HealthShield Vaccination Verification by January 31 (or submit via an alternative)
- Sign-up links for Publishers by Appointment and IndieCommerce One-on-One’s
ABA Community Forum The ABA Community Forum will be held at Winter Institute on Thursday, February 23, from 10:40 am to 11:40 am PT. This is a reimagined Town Hall with the same opportunities for members to be heard and more opportunity for constructive discussions about our industry. The ABA Board, ABA Staff, Publishers, Wholesalers, Bookstore Owners, Booksellers — the indie bookstore community — will be in attendance to discuss industry ideas, issues, and experiences. The hope for this session is to create community dialogue around priorities for the industry, to answer questions, and to share information about members’ needs and concerns. This is an opportunity for us all to discuss pressing issues and the future of the industry. It will also help the Board understand the needs of members and inform the Board as they shape the Ends Policies that drive ABA’s work on behalf of members. It will help ABA Staff in their work as well. We want to hear from members! Attendees can bring topics up during the meeting or submit topics ahead of time via email [email protected]. This session will be recorded and will be available to members after Winter Institute.