Stopping Credit Card Fraud On Your Website
You may have noticed that online traffic and sales have dramatically increased on your website since Thanksgiving. As the number of online orders increases, so do the number of fraudulent orders. We've put in place several new & powerful tools to help you stop credit card fraud on your indieCommerce or IndieLite Website. Please review our "Fraudulent Orders" help page for the latest information on stopping online credit card fraud.
NEW Pick List Feature
A pick list is a document that indicates which items should be taken from your inventory to fulfill open orders. This allows you to grab all the items you need for a group of orders and removes the need to go back-and-forth for each order. With IndieCommerce and IndieLite (IC & IL) stores receiving a large volume of online orders -- unlike what they’ve ever seen before -- the IC team has been working on options to help stores process online orders: speed up the process and handle different fulfillment options more easily. The “Pick List” is a new feature available to IC and IL sites. This downloadable list will include the following for each order:
- List of products, SKUs, titles, publisher information
- Availability status
- Quantity in stock and the location within the store (for stores that upload their Local Store Inventory)
IC stores can filter the list by order date, order status, and in stock status. IL stores can filter by order date and order status. Stores can use the Store Features page (Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features) to have this feature enabled on their site.
Bulk Printing of Invoices
This IndieCommerce feature (coming soon for IndieLite) allows stores to print order invoices for multiple orders with one click. Orders can be filtered by date range, order status, and payment method. Stores can use the Store Features page (Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features) to have this feature enabled on their site.
In The Event Of Website Emergencies
If your IndieCommerce or IndieLite website is experiencing an outage -- if customers can’t place orders or you can't process orders so it’s an emergency -- please take the following steps:
- Check the IndieCommerce Status Page. If you don’t see an incident reported on that page, then…
- Submit a critical outage report. We monitor for critical/emergency outage reports 24/7. As soon as you submit a critical outage report, it’s forwarded to IndieCommerce staff for review. Please include as much detail as possible and please only use this form for emergencies as described above. Note: You must have a account to submit this form, so make sure your team has login credentials handy.
Non-Emergency Support
For non-emergency IndieCommerce issues, email [email protected] and include your store name, site URL, and as much detail as possible about your question or issue.