Removing Specific Titles from Your IndieCommerce Website
This updated feature allows you to make specific titles not for sale through your website. This updated version now gives you the option to make these titles disappear from your website, even if these books are available through Ingram. These are titles that your store has chosen not to make available for sale to the public.
To enable this feature go to:
Store -> Configuration -> Store Pricing -> Books -> Not For Sale On your IndieCommerce website. Click here to learn more about this updated feature.
Adding An “Add To Wishlist” Button Alongside “Add to Cart” button
The wish list feature places an ‘Add to Wish List’ button alongside the ‘Add to Cart’ button on product pages, search results pages, and book lists etc. This feature can be used in many different ways. Personal wish lists to keep track of books to read, wish lists to share with family and friends, gift registries, lists for donation book drives and book fairs are some ways this feature can be used.
NOTE: If you do not see the ‘Add to Wish List’ button next to the ‘Add to Cart’ button on product pages, please send us a request to have this feature enabled. You may send the request from the Store Features page. Go to:
Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features
On your IndieCommerce website.
For more information on this feature and the many other upgrades that have been made to the Multiple Wish List feature, please click here. There is also a webinar on this topic located here.
Check Out These Recently Recorded Webinars
These webinars cover many new and recently updated features on IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites that are now available for your store.