You can also help us by sending us photos of displays, pictures of you and your team holding up signs from the online assets, and contact information for your local media contacts. All of that would be extremely helpful, as we’re pitching local stories around the country right now. I know how much everyone has going on. Participating can be as easy as taking a picture of a bookseller holding a sign that says, “Books curated by a real person, not by a creepy algorithm that wants you to buy deodorant.” That powerful image can be shared on your social media and with ABA so we can share it when we pitch stories. Remember: You and your booksellers are influencers in your own circles (if not beyond). Be sure to share on your personal social media in addition to your store social media. And if you want to feel good, search #BoxedOut on Twitter, click on “Latest,” and scroll through. The thread started with store posts but now has customer posts sharing the love for their local indies. If you see your store mentioned, be sure and comment and thank them! |