Something New for IndieCommerce Institute @Wi13
IndieCommerce users will have the option of taking a morning or an afternoon seminar at the upcoming IndieCommerce Institute in Memphis. Pre-registration is required for each seminar; you can sign up for one or both. Registration is $59 per person, per seminar. Space is limited although attendance at Winter Institute is not required.
Register now for IndieCommerce Institute
Morning Seminar
Session 1: Optimizing Checkout for Higher Conversion, presented by Scott Nafz (ABA)
Session 2: E-mail Subscription, Marketing, and Promotional Campaigns, presented by Ryan Quinn (ABA)
Afternoon Seminar
Session 1: Google Analytics for IndieCommerce, presented by Matt Supko (Augment Digital)
Session 2: Views, presented by Geetha Nathan (ABA)
Register now for IndieCommerce Institute