
11 Feb

Daniel Clancy on Google Editions & the Possibilities for Indie Booksellers

Daniel Clancy, director of Google Books, offered a keynote presentation at the Winter Institute's Technology Day that provided booksellers with insights into plans for Google Editions, launching later this year, as well as a deeper understanding of the challenges of the e-book marketplace.

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11 Feb

Obituary Note: Fran Howell

Fran Howell, co-founder of the Raymar Book Company, died on Saturday evening, February 6. He was 85.

In the early 1960s, Howell and the late Stu Woodruff partnered to create Raymar, which would become the premier trade book wholesaler in the West. In 1976, Raymar was acquired by Ingram Book Company and the combined company began its current run as a national and global leader.

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27 Jan

Give a Little & Change the World

When author Wendy Smith looked at the charitable giving statistics related to the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, she was amazed to find that 45 percent of total giving from around the world came from "ordinary American citizens." Their contributions amounted to more than those from famous philanthropic foundations, from corporations, and even from the U.S. government.

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14 Jan

Obituary: Bob Simoneaux

Robert Ross "Bob" Simoneaux, 64, of West Chester, Pennsylvania, died on Monday, January 11, 2010, after a long illness. He was co-owner, with his wife, Kathleen Yates Simoneaux, of Chester Country Book & Music Company in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Simoneaux's career in the book business, which began at age 18, included positions at Curtis Circulation Company, Pocket Books, Bayou News, and Fawcett Books. He also worked at one time as a police officer in New Orleans.

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07 Jan

Rosato Named BEA Event Director

Steven Rosato has been named event director of BookExpo America (BEA). Rosato began working on BEA in 1998 and has served in a number of key sales and strategic positions. Most recently, as director of industry development and strategic accounts, Rosato played a critical role in helping to define and set BEA's goals for the future based on customer feedback.

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22 Dec

Frank Bruni on Consuming Fusilli and Content

During his five years as the New York Times restaurant critic, Frank Bruni was the most well-known and religiously followed food writer in New York City and, possibly, the country. Most readers were also probably familiar with his previous work as a Times reporter in D.C., his coverage of George Bush's 2000 presidential campaign, and his features in the Sunday Magazine.

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17 Dec

Bookseller's Memoir Details Grassroots Efforts in Support of Obama

John and Michelle Presta got their start in bookselling in 1991 as the founders of a small bookstore, Reading on Walden, in Chicago. They got their start in politics about a decade later working on the campaign of then-congressional hopeful Barack Obama.

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09 Dec

Obituary: Joel C. Turner

Joel C. Turner, co-founder with his family of the former Under Cover Books in Shaker Heights, Ohio, died suddenly this past weekend. He was 58 years old.

In 1978, Turner, with his parents and siblings Philip Turner and Pamela Turner, founded Under Cover Books at Van Aken Shopping Center in Shaker Heights. The business grew to include a location in the historic Old Arcade of downtown Cleveland, and a shop also selling records and CDs in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.

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19 Nov

National Book Awards Ceremony Highlights

At last night's National Book Awards Ceremony and Benefit Dinner at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City, one of the more optimistic themes of the night was expressed by nonfiction winner T.J.

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04 Nov

Obituary: Dike Blair

Former bookseller, author, and publisher Robert Dike Blair died on Saturday, October 31, 2009. Known to all as Dike Blair, he was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, in 1919.

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04 Nov

BTW News Briefs

S&S Launches Galley Grab

Simon & Schuster is now offering electronic galleys of S&S titles to reviewers and media, booksellers, and other key publishing trade contacts through Galley Grab, the company's beta launch eGalley program. The eGalleys offered by S&S are DRM protected PDF files that do not allow copying, and can be read using the Adobe Digital Editions desktop reader, on the most recent versions of the Sony Reader, the nook, and other devices that support Adobe Digital Editions.

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22 Jul

Author Wins IndieBound Points Contest

To mark its first anniversary, IndieBound has drawn a winner for the points contest -- Julie Hahnke of Marblehead, Massachusetts. Hahnke, author of The Grey Ghost, a Summer Kids' Indie Next List pick, won a $50 gift card to her local indie bookstore, Spirit of '76 in Marblehead.

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25 Jun

Obituary: Sam Weller of Sam Weller's Zion Books

Legendary Salt Lake City bookseller Sam Weller died on Wednesday, June 24, 2009. He was 88.

Sam Weller was born on April 23, 1921, in Schneidemuhl, Germany. His family immigrated to Salt Lake City in 1925, where his father, Gus, opened a secondhand furniture store. In 1929, spurred by the purchase of a collection of old Mormon books, Gus Weller transformed the secondhand furniture store on First South in Salt Lake City to Zion's Bookstore.

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18 Jun

ABA's Smith to Tweet From Conference Down Under

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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