Industry News

19 Feb

Maria's Bookshop Named Best Small Business of the Year

Maria's Bookshop, owned by husband and wife Peter Schertz and Andrea Avantaggio, was recently named the Best Small Business of the Year by the Durango, Colorado, Chamber of Commerce. In announcing the award, the Chamber of Commerce cited Maria's dedication to the community and great customer service.

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19 Feb

BTW News Briefs

MPBA to Honor Regional Book Award Winners

The Mountains and Plains Booksellers Association will present its Regional Book Awards at a banquet at the Marriott Denver Tech Center in Denver, Colorado, on March 20.

The 2004 MPBA Regional Book Award winners are:

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19 Feb

Return of Hardcover History Right Around the Corner

Hardcover History, the partnership of Book Sense and The History Channel promoting programming and reading combinations, returns in March with a new look, a new book, and a bookseller display contest with a great prize.

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19 Feb

Newmarket Press Teams With Universal Studios to Produce Schindler's List Commemorative Book

Marking the 10th anniversary of the Academy Award-winning film Schindler's List, Newmarket Press is publishing a collection of photographs entitled Schindler's List: Images of the Steven Spielberg Film. The book features the work of photographer David James, includes a foreword by Spielberg, and is being published in conjunction with Universal Studios Home Video's release of th

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19 Feb

Booksellers Invited to Come Together in Bloomington

ABA recently extended an invitation to upper Midwest booksellers to come together at a Booksellers Forum on Saturday, March 6, at the Comfort Inn Airport, in the Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington. The forum is part of a program that will run from 1:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. and is co-sponsored by the Upper Midwest Booksellers Association (UMBA).

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19 Feb

Customers Eager to Lend a Hand to Reader Privacy Campaign

The Campaign for Reader Privacy (, a nationwide grassroots effort to restore safeguards for the privacy of bookstore and library records eliminated by Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, officially launched this week, but many independent booksellers have been collecting customer signatures on petitions calling for an amendment of Section 215 since early January. And those who spoke to BTW reported that customers do not need to be prompted to lend a hand, literally, to the cause.

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18 Feb

Book Sense Gift Cards, the 'Coolest Thing in a Long Time'

January was a very good month for many retailers, according to an Associated Press story in the February 6 edition of the Seattle Times, which reported that last month's robust sales at many retailers around the country were well above expectations and could be an early indicator of a consumer spending recovery. The article noted that analysts point to the redemption of gift cards purchased during the holiday season as one spur to sales in a month many consider to be the least important in the retail sales calendar.

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18 Feb

ABA Board Candidates and Petition Guidelines

At the recent meeting of the American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors, the Board approved the report of the ABA Nominating Committee, chaired by Neal Coonerty of Bookshop Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz, California. The committee presented the Board with the names of three candidates for three-year terms as directors on the Board (2004-2007). (Under the current ABA bylaws, each year three members of the nine-member Board come to the end of their terms.)

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18 Feb

Handselling Favorites Wanted ... for Book Sense Book of the Year

The American Booksellers Association is currently accepting nominations of booksellers' handselling favorites for the 2004 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards (BSBY). All ABA member stores are eligible to nominate titles in the categories of Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Children's Literature, Children's Illustrated, and Paperback. Only one nomination form per store is allowed; the first form received will be the official ballot.

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18 Feb

Booksellers Forum Convenes in D.C. Next Week

On Wednesday, February 25, ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz and COO Oren Teicher will meet with booksellers at an open forum at Olsson's Books & Records in downtown Washington, D.C. Held in conjunction with the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association (NAIBA), the forum is an opportunity for booksellers to ask questions, express opinions, and discuss issues relating to ABA, NAIBA, Book Sense, bookselling in general, and more.

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18 Feb

Time to Submit Numbers to ABACUS -- Year 2

ABA is strongly encouraging bookstores to submit their fiscal 2003 financial statement numbers to the "ABACUS Survey - Year 2."

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17 Feb

Speaking of Audio: The Freedom of Choice

By Robin Whitten

What is the right mix of cassette and CD audiobooks?

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17 Feb

A Bookstore Odyssey: Days 4 and 5

By Len Vlahos

On Monday, February 9, ABA Communications Manager Kristen Gilligan and Director Len Vlahos set out on a weeklong tour of East Coast bookstores. Here's a report on their final two days on the road. To read about the first three days of their journey, click here.

Day 4 -- February 12
Triad to Research Triangle

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17 Feb

Book, Library Groups Launch Reader Privacy Campaign

On Tuesday, February 17, organizations representing booksellers, librarians, and writers announced the official launch of the "Campaign for Reader Privacy (CRP)," a nationwide grassroots effort to restore the safeguards for the privacy of bookstore and library records that were eliminated by Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.

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13 Feb

2003 Bookstore Sales End on Positive Note

Bookstore sales in December 2003 resumed the upward trend of the second half of the year -- a trend interrupted only in November. Preliminary December sales of $2,036 million were 1.5 percent higher than the $2,005 million figure for December 2002.

While December’s increase was modest, it did ensure that the year 2003 ended up 2.4 percent better than the previous year.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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