Industry News

03 Mar

Santa Fe Study Highlights Benefits of Shopping Local Independents

The small, unique shops and galleries of Santa Fe, New Mexico, are losing ground to the national chains, according to a recent study of independent businesses conducted by the consulting firm of Angelou Economics. Commissioned by the Santa Fe Independent Business & Community Alliance (SFIBCA), among others, the study found that "independent businesses comprise a higher share of Santa Fe's economy than the national average." To read the study click here:

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03 Mar

Campaign for Reader Privacy Press Release Template Available

Since the official launch of the Campaign for Reader Privacy (CRP) on February 17, the efforts of booksellers and librarians who are gathering signatures on petitions urging Congress to restore safeguards for reader privacy that were eliminated by Section 215 of the Patriot Act have garnered press coverage, ranging from New England to Seattle. Now, ABA has created a press release template that bookstores can use to bring the campaign to the attention of their local media. To access the sample release, click here.

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03 Mar

Beware of E-mail Bearing Attachments

This week, the American Booksellers Association issued a warning to its members and to subscribers to Bookselling This Week to beware of e-mails with attachments that appear to have come from ABA,, or These e-mails did not come from ABA and may contain computer viruses that can create technological problems if the attachment is opened.

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26 Feb

Book Sense and Free Expression Initiatives Take Center Stage at D.C. Forum

On Wednesday, February 25, in conjunction with the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association (NAIBA), ABA held a Bookseller Forum in the The Lansburgh Building, next door to Olsson's Books & Records in downtown Washington, D.C. Among the key topics of the forum were the Book Sense Gift Card Program, the Book Sense 76, and the Campaign for Reader Privacy (CRP). The forum was led by ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz and COO Oren Teicher, with ABA Vice President Mitchell Kaplan of Books & Books in Coral Gables and Miami Beach.

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26 Feb

BTW News Briefs

Landmark Dartmouth Bookstore Seeks New Owners

Owners of the Dartmouth Bookstore, a 132-year-old Hanover, New Hampshire, business, are negotiating with several parties interested in purchasing the landmark store. The store discontinued its original practice of selling textbooks to Dartmouth College students about a year ago, and has been striving to rework its layout and product mix in light of increased competition from Internet sales and nearby chain bookstores.

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26 Feb

ABA Invites Booksellers to Come Together in Massachusetts and Texas

As part of its continuing series of Booksellers Forums, ABA recently sent invitations to booksellers in the New England and Mid-South regions asking them come together to share in discussions of matters of concern to all booksellers and to get an update on ABA programs and services. Among the topics open for discussion are sales tax initiatives, efforts to amend the USA Patriot Act, net-pricing proposals, programming for BookExpo America, Book Sense and plans for its fifth birthday celebration, the 2004 ABACUS study, and more.

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26 Feb

Book Sense Bestseller List Reporting Hits an All-Time High

Last week, the number of bookstores with Book Sense reporting to the Book Sense Bestseller Lists was nearly 500 -- the highest number of bookstores reporting to date -- giving booklovers an in-depth look at the uniqueness, timeliness, and quality of the bestselling titles in local, independent bookstores.

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26 Feb

Mile High Mayor Sees Independent Businesses From Both Sides

John Hickenlooper, a successful, popular restaurant owner and developer, has become the successful and popular mayor of Denver. With no previous political experience, "not school treasurer, not dog catcher," Hickenlooper took office in July 2003, succeeding Mayor Wellington Webb.

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26 Feb

Reader Privacy and Gift Cards Focus of ABA/SCBA Forums

On Friday, February 20, and Saturday, February 21, ABA Booksellers Forums were held in conjunction with the Southern California Booksellers Association (SCBA) in Pasadena and San Diego, respectively. At both forums, ABA COO Oren Teicher provided attendees with updates on a number of ABA programs and initiatives, including the Book Sense Gift Card Program, the Campaign for Reader Privacy (, and plans to celebrate the fifth birthday of Book Sense.

Pasadena Forum

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26 Feb

Small Presses Win Big Praise

The eighth annual celebration of Small Press Month this March gives independent booksellers the chance to highlight the values they share with independent publishers -- promoting individual and original expression. "Let Every Voice Be Heard!" is the theme of this year's festivities organized by the Small Press Center (SPC) and the Publishers Marketing Association (PMA).

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25 Feb

You Have to Be in It, To Win With It

As the popularity of Book Sense gift cards continues to grow, ABA, taking a cue from New York State's lottery slogan, "You have to be in it, to win it," would like to remind booksellers that they have to be in the Book Sense Gift Card Program to win sales with it.

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25 Feb

Today Show Book Club Announces Newest Pick

Author Susan Isaacs has chosen The Sleeping Father by Matthew Sharpe (Soft Skull Press) as the next title to be read by the Today Book Club. The announcement was made on NBC's Today Show on Wednesday, February 25.

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24 Feb

Tampa Businesses Declare Their Independents

Though the Tampa Independent Business Alliance (TIBA) is just over four months old, the seed for its creation was planted, rather aptly, during Independence Day week 2002. That's when the owners of Inkwood Books in Tampa, Florida, decided to put all of the month's Book Sense 76 titles on sale during the week of July 4 to celebrate the Independence Day holiday and to bring attention to their store as an independent business.

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19 Feb

ABA and Publishers Weekly Enter Into Partnership

The American Booksellers Association and Publishers Weekly are teaming up to provide better information to their constituencies. This new relationship will allow greater access for ABA members to the crucial industry information that Publishers Weekly delivers through its weekly magazine and Web site. It will also enable ABA to increase communications with publishers and further its message that independent bookstores are indeed a significant sales channel.

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19 Feb

Northern California Forum Reflects 'Spirit of Partnership'

Well-attended ABA/NCIBA Booksellers Forum.

On Wednesday, February 18, approximately 45 booksellers attended an ABA Booksellers Forum, hel

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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