
16 Feb

Spring Workshop: Opening a Bookstore

“Opening a Bookstore: The Business Essentials,” a workshop retreat for anyone thinking about opening or buying a bookstore, will be offered by Paz & Associates from March 21 – 25 on Amelia Island (near Jacksonville, Florida).

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08 Sep

Winter Institute 6 Registration Opens

Registration is now open for ABA's Sixth Annual Winter Institute, to be held from Wednesday, January 19, through Friday, January 21, 2011, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. This educational event – sponsored by Ingram – is a member benefit exclusively for ABA bookstore and provisional members.

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26 Aug

ABA Education at PNBA, GLIBA & SCIBA Fall Shows

ABA will be offering education sessions in conjunction with the nine fall regional shows. Here's a look at what's planned for the Pacific Northwest, Great Lakes, and Southern California regions.

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18 Aug

ABA to Offer Education at Fall Trade Shows

ABA will be offering education sessions in conjunction with the nine fall regional shows. Here's a look at what's planned for NEIBA, MBA, and NCIBA.

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12 Aug

ABA to Offer Education at Fall Trade Shows

ABA will be offering education sessions in conjunction with the nine fall regional shows. Here's a look at what's planned for the first three:  NAIBA, MPIBA, and SIBA.

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24 Jun

Meyer Wins Xtreme Scholarship

Scott Meyer of Merritt Books in Millbrook, New York, has won a scholarship to the National Association of College Stores (NACS) Xtreme! 2010 retail education program.

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10 Jun

Booksellers Face Up to New Reality

Bookstore owners shared their experiences with consignment programs, a green delivery service, and a newsletter-turned-magazine at a panel on alternative business models at ABA's Day of Education at BookExpo America.

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19 May

2010 Day of Education Handouts Available

ABA has made session materials for next Tuesday's Day of Education accessible to all member booksellers via download from

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06 May

ABA Members Invited to NACS Retail Program

The National Association of College Stores (NACS) will be holding its Xtreme! 2010 retail education program in Boston from July 23 to 27. All ABA members are invited to attend at the NACS member rate. Booksellers at ABA member stores can also enter a drawing for a scholarship covering the registration fee.

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15 Apr

Cross-Promotions Generate Goodwill, Sales & More

Cross-promotions are great vehicles for reaching new customers and spreading the Buy Local message and goodwill, both with fellow merchants and customers. And costs are usually shared, if not minimal or nonexistent. BTW spoke with Susan Weis of breathe books; Cindy Dach of Changing Hands Bookstore; Heather Duncan of Tattered Cover Book Store; and Kerry Slattery of Skylight Books about one of the most cost-effective ways to promote their indie businesses.

Why and how

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07 Apr

50 Words or Fewer: The Art of Writing Shelf Talkers

"Word-for-word a well-crafted shelf talker can be the most effective means of recommending a book to an avid reader," said Joe Drabyak of Chester County Book & Music Company in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

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31 Mar

A Trove of Educational Materials for ABA Member Stores

ABA's Curriculum Guide on offers member booksellers more than 100 free educational resources, covering everything from formulating a business plan and conducting a store survey to creating killer events and stocking a graphic novels section.

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11 Feb

Wi5 Panelists Share Practical Ideas for Handselling Online

Three savvy indie booksellers shared their ideas for using online tools to promote book sales with a packed house at the Fifth Annual Winter Institute education session "Handselling 201: Using the Digital Age to Your Advantage." Panelists Andrew Getman of Politics & Prose, Kelly Justice of Fountain Bookstore, and Pete Mulvihill of Green Apple Books presented real-life examples of how they have boosted sales via their store websites, in-house videos, Twitter campaigns, e-newsletters, and more.

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01 Oct

Wi5: Membership Has Its Benefits

The American Booksellers Association's Fifth Winter Institute (Wi5), to be held from Wednesday through Friday, February 3 - 5, 2010, in San Jose, California, will offer many benefits for attending bookstore and provisional members. Those who have not registered yet are urged to do so.

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30 Sep

O'Reilly Tools of Change Online Conference Discount for ABA Members

O'Reilly Media, Inc., is offering ABA members a 25 percent discount on its upcoming, online Tools of Change for Publishing Conference. The conference will be held online on Thursday, October 8, from noon to 3:20 p.m. EDT.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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