About ABA

02 Jan
17 Dec

Free Classifieds Available to ABA Bookstore Members

With the new year just days away, the American Booksellers Association reminds its bookstore members that each year they are entitled to place up to four free two-week classified ad insertions in Bookselling This Week. BTW Classifieds are the perfect place for booksellers to place help wanted ads and advertise fixtures or stores for sale.

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13 Dec

Independent Trade Groups Call for E-Fairness

Seven independent trade groups joined together this week to call for the equitable collection of sales tax on online purchases. In a letter to each of the governors in the 45 states that collect sales tax, the organizations urged states to enforce existing tax laws by requiring out-of-state online businesses with nexus in their states to collect sales tax.

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13 Dec

Fifteen New Bookstores Open in November

The American Booksellers Association welcomed 15 new bookstore members that opened for business in November. In addition, Berning Books, which opened in October, joined the association this month, bringing October's openings up to 14.

November Bookstore Openings

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12 Dec

The Breakaway Cook

The ever-mutating combination of fraud and technology has loosed yet another scam upon the business world -- this time with a slant that's decidedly tailored for bookselling. John Evans, co-owner of Diesel, A Bookstore, located in Oakland and Malibu, California, shares an update from the front lines.

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06 Dec

Independent Trade Groups Meet in D.C. for Summit

On November 29 and 30, several independent trade organizations, including the American Booksellers Association, met for an "Independent Trades Summit" in Washington, D.C. The gathering provided the associations with an opportunity to discuss common goals and challenges specific to independent retailers and businesses. Industries represented at the summit included bookselling, toys, gifts, bicycles, hardware, pharmacies, and office products.

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06 Dec

Participation in Sales Tax Letter-Writing Campaign Crucial

The American Booksellers Association is calling on booksellers in the 45 states that charge sales tax to write to their governors now to urge that online retailers with in-state affiliates be required to collect sales tax in accordance with existing laws. To help booksellers in this crucial endeavor, ABA has prepared a template letter (below) that can be adapted and sent. The letter emphasizes that booksellers are not calling for new Internet taxes, but, rather, the enforcement of tax laws already in place.

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29 Nov

The Iron Is Hot: Booksellers Urged to Write Governors to Call for Sales Tax Fairness

Following up on a letter that 30 New York State booksellers sent to Governor Eliot Spitzer urging him to require online retailers with affiliates in the state to collect sales tax, the American Booksellers Association is asking booksellers in the other 44 states that charge sales tax to urge their governors to equitably enforce existing tax laws. To help booksellers in this crucial endeavor, ABA has prepared a template letter (below) that can be adapted and sent.

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20 Nov

On the Media on Bookselling

This weekend, the National Public Radio program On the Media will feature a discussion about the state, and evolution, of bookselling with ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz.

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15 Nov

A Letter From ABA President Russ Lawrence Reporting on ... ABA's 'Ends Statements'

ABA Strategic Plan ... Er, Ends Statements Report

Russ Lawrence

Hey! What happened to our new American Booksellers Association Five-Year Strategic Plan?

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15 Nov

Registration Opens for 2008 Hotel ABA in Los Angeles

Today, the American Booksellers Association opens registration for the 2008 Hotel ABA in Los Angeles, accommodations exclusively for ABA bookstore and provisional members attending BookExpo America. Hotel ABA, The Renaissance Hollywood, offers booksellers a special room rate, great accommodations, and an extraordinary package of other benefits.

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15 Nov

Reversal of Fortune: Spitzer Backtracks on Enforcing Existing Sales Tax Laws

Today, ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz sent a letter to New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer on behalf of New York-based independent booksellers that decries the governor's decision to drop a plan to enforce existing sales tax laws.

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14 Nov

Calling All Events Mavens

At this year's Winter Institute, the American Booksellers Association is holding a panel on authorless events. To help make the panel great, ABA would like to feature a list of as many innovative store events as possible.

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14 Nov

Lucky 13: New Bookstores Open in October

The American Booksellers Association welcomes 13 new bookstores that opened for business in October:

Anthology New and Used Books
515 Center St.
Scranton, PA 18503
(570) 941-9630

Archivia Books
993 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10021
(212) 570-2422

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08 Nov

30 Booksellers Named Scholarship Recipients

Twenty-six booksellers have been awarded publisher-sponsored scholarships to attend the American Booksellers Association's Third Annual Winter Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. The scholarships cover reasonable transportation costs and up to a three-night stay at the Wi3 host hotel, the Louisville Marriott Downtown, for the January 24 - 27 education event.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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