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28 Feb

New York Booksellers Urged to Contact State Legislators on E-Fairness

On Wednesday, February 27, the American Booksellers Association called on member bookstores in New York State to voice their support for the Internet Sales Tax provision in Gov. Eliot Spitzer's proposed budget by writing to both their state senator and assemblyperson. If the budget is approved with the provision, out-of-state online retailers selling products in New York State will be required to collect state sales tax. The budget, which is due by April 1, will be debated by legislators throughout March.

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26 Feb

Petition Deadline for ABA Board Candidates March 12

In addition to the 2008 Board of Directors candidates recommended by ABA's Nominating Committee and approved by the Board, the association's bylaws stipulate that bookstore members can submit petitions to place the names of additional director candidates on the ballot. All petitions must be submitted to the chair of the Nominating Committee by Wednesday, March 12.

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21 Feb

ABA Unveils "Day of Education" for BEA 2008

This week, the American Booksellers Association provides a first look at programming for its Day of Education to be held on Thursday, May 29, at BookExpo America in Los Angeles. The day's events, which will be held at Hotel ABA, the Renaissance Hollywood, are open exclusively to ABA bookstore and provisional members.

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20 Feb

ABA's Ends Policies: A Nimbler, More Realistic Approach to Planning

As part of the American Booksellers Association's overall governance, at its January meeting the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the ABA Ends Policies, which are now posted on BookWeb.org. In a letter to ABA members, President Russ Lawrence of Chapter One Book Store in Hamilton, Montana, explained how the association's Five-Year Strategic Plan morphed into Ends Statements, "a much nimbler, more realistic approach to planning."

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14 Feb

Booksellers Forum Tour Begins in Minneapolis, Los Angeles & San Francisco

The American Booksellers Association's Booksellers Forum Tour will begin on Saturday, March 8, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, followed by stops on Monday, March 10, in Los Angeles, and on Wednesday, March 12, in San Francisco, California.

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13 Feb

ABA Board Candidate Petition Deadline March 12

Candidates for the American Booksellers Association's 2008 Board of Directors elections, as recommended by ABA's Nominating Committee and approved by the Board and announced last week, are Dan Chartrand of Water Street Bookstore in Exeter, New Hampshire; Ken White of SFSU Bookstore in San Francisco; and current Board member Michael Tucker of Books Inc.

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07 Feb

A Report on ABA's Winter Board Meeting

The American Booksellers Association Board of Directors and senior staff held meetings from Sunday, January 27, to Tuesday, January 29, immediately following the Winter Institute at the Louisville Marriott Downtown.

Among its activities during the three days of meetings, the Board:

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07 Feb

2008 ABA Board Candidates and Petition Guidelines

At its January meeting, the American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors approved the report of the ABA Nominating Committee, chaired by ABA Board member Beth Puffer of Bank Street Bookstore in New York City. The Committee presented the Board with the names of three director candidates for three-year terms (2008 - 2011) on the Board. (Under ABA's bylaws, each year three members of the nine-member Board come to the end of their terms.)

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07 Feb

2009 Winter Institute - Set for Salt Lake City

The host city of the 2002 Winter Olympics will now be the location for ABA's 2009 Annual Winter Institute. Wi4 will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, from Thursday, January 29, through Sunday, February 1, at the Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown.

The Winter Institute is a two-and-a-half day education symposium, with classes on a wide range of topics crucial to the ever-changing business of bookselling. The event also includes plenty of face time with great authors.

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05 Feb

Hold the Date: A Booksellers Forum is Coming to a Location Near You

The American Booksellers Association will be holding nine Booksellers Forums in locations across the country this spring. Each will provide an opportunity for members, and prospective members, to meet with ABA senior staff and representatives of the Board of Directors to learn about ABA's programs and initiatives, to voice concerns, and to offer input on the association's future direction. Each forum will also feature an educational component.

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24 Jan

Survey Finds Support for 'Buy Local' Boosted Holiday Spending at Independent Stores

As major chains report weak holiday sales, a nationwide survey of 1,382 independent retailers, including members of the American Booksellers Association, has found that a desire to support locally owned businesses is emerging as a factor in people's shopping choices.

The survey, which included retailers in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., found that, even in a difficult economic climate, many independent retailers are holding their own and even seeing sales gains by emphasizing their local ownership and community roots.

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17 Jan

ABA Updates Independent Business/Shop Local Notable Title List

The American Booksellers Association has updated its list of notable titles about the importance of building and strengthening vibrant local economies. First compiled in September 2006, the new list features 26 titles, 12 accompanied by recommendations from independent booksellers nationwide.

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03 Jan

ABA Asks Members to Participate in Holiday Sales Survey

In an effort to assess how independent businesses fared this holiday season, the American Booksellers Association has teamed up with several other organizations representing independent businesses to conduct an Independent Business Holiday Sales Trends Survey. ABA is asking its bookseller-members to take a few moments now to complete the survey, which features just four simple questions and should take no longer than two minutes to complete.

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03 Jan

2008 Booksellers Forum Schedule Announced

This spring, American Booksellers Association senior staff and representatives of the Board of Directors will meet with booksellers at nine forums across the country. Held in conjunction with the regional booksellers associations, the Booksellers Forums are an opportunity for members, and prospective members, to hear the latest news about ABA's programs and initiatives, to voice concerns, and to offer input on the association's future direction.

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03 Jan

Holiday Sales: Indies Make Merry With an Emphasis on Local

Bookselling This Week's informal poll of bookstores across the country found holiday sales up at some and down or flat at others. But if there was one trend among those reporting an increase in sales, it was customers' heightened awareness regarding the importance of shopping locally.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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