About ABA

13 Sep

Candidates Sought for 2017 Board Elections

The ABA Nominating Committee is looking for qualified candidates to serve on the ABA Board of Directors. Any ABA member may nominate a qualified candidate, including themselves.

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07 Sep

A Letter From the ABA Board of Directors About the Association’s Elections

Following up on last week’s Nominating Committee callout for nominations of qualified candidates for the 2017 association elections, the ABA Board provides a fuller look at the nominating process and how candidates are selected.

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07 Sep

ABA Programming at Regional Shows Kicks Off at SIBA & NEIBA

At the first two shows of the fall season, SIBA and NEIBA, booksellers are invited to stop by the ABA booth to learn about upcoming initiatives, to attend an ABA education session, and to meet one-on-one with an IndieCommerce representative.

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31 Aug

ABA Nominating Committee Opens Call for Board Candidates

ABA’s Nominating Committee begins its search today for qualified candidates to stand for election to the ABA Board of Directors in 2017. Any ABA member may nominate a qualified candidate; self-nominations are acceptable.

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09 Aug

Politics & Prose Returns as National Book Festival’s Official Bookseller

On Saturday, September 24, Washington, D.C.’s Politics & Prose will once again be the official bookseller for the Library of Congress National Book Festival. 

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03 Aug

A Report on the ABA Board’s July 2016 Meeting

At its July 18 to 20 meeting in Mystic, Connecticut, ABA’s Board of Directors heard reports from President Betsy Burton and CEO Oren Teicher, reviewed ABA’s Ends Policies and compliance reports, and worked on a number of other issues.

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26 Jul

A Letter From ABA CEO Oren Teicher

In his bimonthly letter, ABA’s CEO discusses the recent updates to a core ABA member service: the Book Buyer’s Handbook.

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29 Jun

LGBTQ, Acceptance, Grief Resource List Grows to 430 Titles

The list of titles on LGBTQ issues, acceptance, and grief suggested by booksellers in the wake of the tragedy in Orlando was updated this week with more than 100 additional recommendations.

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22 Jun

ABA Board Encourages Stores to Participate in ABACUS Before July 1 Deadline

The ABA Board is urging member stores to submit their 2015 financial data to the ABACUS-15 survey by the July 1 deadline. The data booksellers will receive in return is “incomparable,” the Board said.

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20 Jun

Adult, Children’s Book Lists Available in Wake of Orlando Tragedy

In response to last week’s tragedy in Orlando, ABA has compiled a list of titles suggested by booksellers on LGBTQ issues, acceptance, and grief. The list is available to everyone as an Excel file on BookWeb.org.

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16 Jun

Face Out: ABA Board Member Chris Morrow on His Life Among Books

Northshire Bookstore co-owner Chris Morrow, who joined the ABA Board this past May, talks about his earliest experiences with books and reading, his goals as a new Board member, and more.

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15 Jun

ABA Responds to Sunday’s Tragic Events in Orlando

ABA has released a statement about the tragedy at the Pulse nightclub, as well as information about resources aimed at both helping the Orlando community and addressing the needs of customers looking for a greater understanding of LGBTQ issues, grief, and tolerance.

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13 Jun

Face Out: ABA Board Member Kris Kleindienst on Her Life Among Books

Kris Kleindienst, co-owner of Left Bank Books in St. Louis, talks about her early experiences with books and reading, how she became a bookseller, what she hopes to accomplish as a new ABA Board member, and more.

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06 Jun

Unclutter Your Inbox & Ensure Correct Staff Receive ABA E-mails

By completing a short online form, ABA members can ensure the right staff members receive association e-mail communications on a wide range of subjects.

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01 Jun

Ruminations on BEA, Books (or the Lack Thereof), and Bookselling: A Letter From ABA’s President

ABA President Betsy Burton would like to see booksellers and publishers put their heads together to find ways to counter the diminishing number of books available to booksellers on the BEA show floor, as well as to make the promotion of backlist into a movement.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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