About ABA

19 Apr

Registration Opens for Celebration of Bookselling, Meet the Editor, Publicists Speed Dating at BookExpo

Booksellers can now register for the American Booksellers Association’s programming exclusively for members who will be attending BookExpo 2017 next month in New York City.

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12 Apr

Hope Springs Eternal in Booksellers’ Hearts Thanks to the 3 Bs: A Letter From ABA President Betsy Burton

Betsy Burton discuss the 3 Bs — Business-to-Business (B2B), Backlist, and BATCH — issues that can be a win-win for booksellers and publishers alike.

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11 Apr

Survey Seeks to Determine ABA Members’ Online Marketing, E-commerce Needs

All ABA bookstore members are being asked to fill out a brief survey about their online marketing and e-commerce needs. Aggregate results will be shared with members of ABA’s Digital Task Force.

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31 Mar

ABA Board Ballot Deadline May 2

All ABA main store members are reminded to cast their ballots to choose a new ABA president and vice president and three directors to serve on the 2017 Board.

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29 Mar

ABA Board Ballot to Arrive April 3

ABA main store members should be on the lookout for an e-mail from CEO Oren Teicher to arrive on Monday, April 3, with links to the ballot for the 2017 Board of Directors election and candidate bios.

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17 Mar

Spring Forums This Month in Massachusetts, New York, and California

Between now and the end of the month, ABA will be hosting Spring Forums in Cambridge, Massachusetts; White Plains, New York; and North Hollywood, California.

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08 Mar

March 17 Deadline for Petitions in Support of Additional ABA Board Candidates

Under ABA’s Bylaws, any bookstore member may submit petitions to have the names of additional candidates added to the ballot for the 2017 Board of Directors elections.

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08 Mar

ABA to Offer Low-Cost E-Commerce Alternative

IndieLite, the new e-commerce platform under development by ABA, will be a solution for bookstores that are just getting started in e-commerce or those that want a website requiring very little time and effort to maintain.

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02 Mar

ABA Supports Press Freedom

ABA has joined more than 80 book, free expression, and press organizations in expressing alarm at efforts by President Trump and his administration to demonize, marginalize, and undermine the media.

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01 Mar

A Letter From ABA CEO Oren Teicher

ABA’s CEO invites booksellers to attend an upcoming Spring Forum and explains that, in addition to the traditional open forum discussion, each will feature an education session that is a significant departure from past programming.

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22 Feb

A Report on the ABA Board’s January 2017 Meeting

At its January 25–26 meeting in Minneapolis, just prior to the12th Winter Institute, the ABA Board worked on a range of business.

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22 Feb

“Bookstores — An Inclusive Place for Dialogue and Discovery” to Debut at ABA Spring Forum in Atlanta

Booksellers are invited to ABA’s first Spring Forum of the year. The program, held in conjunction with SIBA, will take place in Atlanta on March 7.

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17 Feb

ABA Board Election Process Open for Petitions in Support of Additional Candidates

Under ABA’s Bylaws, any bookstore member may submit petitions to have the names of additional candidates added to the ballot for the 2017 Board of Directors elections.

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15 Feb

Booksellers Appointed to ABA Advisory Council, Diversity Task Force

In response to concerns expressed by booksellers at the Wi12 Town Hall, ABA has increased the number of members on its Booksellers Advisory Council and created a Diversity Task Force.

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15 Feb

Spring Forums to Feature Discussion on Bookstores as Inclusive Places for Dialogue and Discussion

In addition to the usual Open Forum discussions on topics of concern to booksellers, ABA’s Spring Forums will include the non-traditional education session “Bookstores — An Inclusive Place for Dialogue and Discovery.”

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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