
09 May

New Paperback Original from a Life-Long Bookseller

Shelley Jackson's debut story collection, The Melancholy of Anatomy (an Anchor Books trade paper original), boldly turns the human body inside out, as the visceral becomes visible and takes on a life of its own through her fantastical tales.

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09 May

Finding a New Definition for Crossover in Gay and Lesbian Publishing at BEA

Gay and lesbian publishing has come a long way in recent years. Now, more then ever, referring to a title as a gay and/or lesbian book is often an inadequate description, just as someone’s gay or lesbian identity doesn’t fully define who he or she is. Consider what Dan Cullinane, marketing manager of Alyson Publications, had to say at this year’s BookExpo America at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City: "What we’re aiming for are books that have gay and lesbian content, but aren’t limited in any way, shape, or form to that market.

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09 May

A Busy Day in Dayton: Taft Signs H.B. 8; Media Coalition Immediately Challenges

On Monday, May 6, Ohio Governor Bob Taft signed House Bill 8 (H.B. 8), legislation that amends Ohio’s sex offence law to include computer-based material that is deemed harmful to juveniles. On the same day, a broad-based coalition -- which includes the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) and Dayton, Ohio, bookstore Wilkie News -- filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Dayton challenging the statute’s constitutionality. H.B. 8 is due to go into effect on August 6, 2002.

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09 May

BookExpo America Announces Final Attendance for 2002

Attendance figures for BookExpo America, held from May 1-5 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, were announced on May 9.

The final total attendance figure was 31,726. Convention officials note that this number includes 2,167 day badges, which were not available at the convention in Chicago in 2001. Total attendance without the day passes in 2002 was 29,559. Total attendance last year in Chicago was 21,898.

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