
05 Dec

More From the Bestseller Data -- If You Can Use It

Actually, there weren't a lot of surprises. These are probably all books you're aware of. I was looking for some backlist and any especially well-priced gifty books in the top 50 of our data.

A new kid's book doing well:

  • #24 Christmas Day in the Morning, by Pearl S. Buck; illus. by Mark Buehner (HarperCollins, $16.99, 0688162673) -- originally published in 1955, now reissued as an illustrated book

In trade paper:

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05 Dec

Announcing: The January/February 2003 Book Sense 76 Top Ten

Dear Booksellers,

Again, thank you! Right after the regional shows, the recommendations started flooding in. Do note that a lot of the ARC's at the shows were for books pubbing February or later, so I've saved those e-mails of yours for the March/April 76, which is already looking fantastic!!

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05 Dec

A Young Reader Stands Up for the First Amendment

By Molly Widmer

A few weeks ago at my school, I went to the library to check out a book by my favorite author. But as soon as I arrived, I stopped dead in my tracks. There, locked in the glass cases, were the fantasy books I was planning to read!

I ran straight to the school librarian, terribly mad, demanding to know how it happened. He told me that someone had sent a complaint to the school about fantasy books, so they were all locked up and would be taken away.

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05 Dec

Many Booksellers Report a Gratifying Start to the Holiday Season

As the retail analysts tussled over whether this year's holiday sales would be robust or merely routine, shoppers nationwide headed off to superstores, malls, main streets, and shopping centers, giving the shopping season a very positive start. Overall, retail sales for Black Friday were estimated at $7.4 billion, a 12.3 percent jump over 2001, according to ShopperTrak RCT.

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