
18 Dec

Congressman Set to Introduce Legislation to Address Constitutional Concerns About the USA Patriot Act

Vermont Congressman Bernard Sanders will be holding a press conference on Friday, December 20, at 11:00 a.m., at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, Vermont, to announce his plans to introduce legislation that eliminates what he believes are unconstitutional provisions in the USA Patriot Act.

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17 Dec

Author Returns to Kansas City Roots for Acclaimed Novel

Life is full of mysteries.

Consider career choices.

Whitney Terrell of Kansas City comes from a family of painters: His great-grandfather was a professional artist. His insurance-executive grandfather painted throughout his life and had pictures "all over the city." Terrell's uncle was an artist, and one of his sisters is a painter who works in advertising.

It might have been predicted, then, that if Whitney Terrell felt an urge to make art, he too would be a painter.

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16 Dec

Still No Word on Whether Supreme Court Will Hear Nike Case

Contrary to expectations, the U.S. Supreme Court did not announce on Monday, December 16, whether it will hear Nike v. Kasky. The case did not appear on the day's order list, and now it is expected that the Supreme Court will announce its decision on or after January 13.

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13 Dec

Bookstore Sales Slip in October

Bookstore sales softened in October, coming in at $1,107 million, or 2.9 percent lower than for October of the previous year.

While bookstore sales suffered this modest decline, overall retail sales also dipped. Overall retail of $300 billion for October 2002 was 0.7 percent lower than the $302 billion realized in October of 2001.

October is the ninth month in a row in which bookstore sales failed to keep up with overall retail.

2001-2002 RETAIL SALES for BOOKSTORES (unadjusted)

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